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Author Topic: Static weight experiment  (Read 7820 times)


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Static weight experiment
« on: August 18, 2018, 08:23:50 PM »
Starting ball was an eruption pro with a 2x2 layout and an axis hole to bring the ball back to 1 oz of positive side weight.   On a 40 foot THS my shot would stand up quickly with poor continuation.  Not surprising since I set this ball up for use on much shorter patterns. 

After plugging the balance hole the ball had over 2.5 oz pos side weight.   With this set up I still get an angular  move , but with much better continuation whether I played close to the oil or fed it a couple of boards to the dry.

Conclusion, the extra static weight allowed under the new rules can have a more noticeable impact than many people believe.  The impact of precession first discussed by Bill Taylor over 50 years ago is a factor,



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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2018, 04:57:08 PM »
Why does it require a p2 hole?

1 oz rule b/c of longer Pap/high track. I'll be interested to what the Static side weight/top weight are once I have to plug the hole. How many ounces are we going to be talking about here ya know?
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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2018, 04:58:53 PM »
Unless it is a monster hole it would be hard to add 2oz

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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #48 on: September 04, 2018, 05:24:32 PM »
I'm looking forward to not having to put extra holes in anything anymore! #newgearcoming

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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2018, 07:58:28 AM »
I'm looking forward to not having to put extra holes in anything anymore! #newgearcoming

Did you FINALLY put your order in?  :P

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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2018, 08:26:45 AM »
I'm looking forward to not having to put extra holes in anything anymore! #newgearcoming

Did you FINALLY put your order in?  :P

New job, so SOON!!!!! The plant is going to be so happy! I don't know what's going to happen when I walk in the shop with 12 bowling balls and say "I want holes in these", but it's gonna be fun!!


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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2018, 10:38:20 AM »
I just found out this week that CTF has decided to wait on the new rules. They usually follow whatever USBC does. This is what the executive director had to say:

The Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) would like to advise that at the time of publishing this article, CTF has not adopted these changes, preferring to wait until the World Bowling Technical Committee weighs in on this matter. In light of this, Chapter VI of the 2018-19 rule book is being revised and will be distributed in the near future.

The problem is, a lot of Canadians go and bowl in USBC events, especially Nationals. She followed up with this:

However, for any of our bowlers who compete in USBC-sanctioned leagues or tournaments, you should be aware of the new USBC ball specification rules to ensure that your equipment complies.

I'm assuming they will eventually follow suit, but the issue is right now. I had all my summer balls drilled without a weight hole. Most still fall within current specs or are slightly over. I am not putting holes in the ones that are over though. If someone decides to call me out in league - though how would they really know - so be it.


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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2018, 12:14:26 PM »
I just found out this week that CTF has decided to wait on the new rules. They usually follow whatever USBC does. This is what the executive director had to say:

The Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) would like to advise that at the time of publishing this article, CTF has not adopted these changes, preferring to wait until the World Bowling Technical Committee weighs in on this matter. In light of this, Chapter VI of the 2018-19 rule book is being revised and will be distributed in the near future.

The problem is, a lot of Canadians go and bowl in USBC events, especially Nationals. She followed up with this:

However, for any of our bowlers who compete in USBC-sanctioned leagues or tournaments, you should be aware of the new USBC ball specification rules to ensure that your equipment complies.

I'm assuming they will eventually follow suit, but the issue is right now. I had all my summer balls drilled without a weight hole. Most still fall within current specs or are slightly over. I am not putting holes in the ones that are over though. If someone decides to call me out in league - though how would they really know - so be it.

Depends on how close they are with the pro shop if there is one in the house to check your equipment on the spot based on their allegations. Just don't beat any teams and no one will care lol.
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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #53 on: September 05, 2018, 12:24:42 PM »
I just found out this week that CTF has decided to wait on the new rules. They usually follow whatever USBC does. This is what the executive director had to say:

The Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) would like to advise that at the time of publishing this article, CTF has not adopted these changes, preferring to wait until the World Bowling Technical Committee weighs in on this matter. In light of this, Chapter VI of the 2018-19 rule book is being revised and will be distributed in the near future.

The problem is, a lot of Canadians go and bowl in USBC events, especially Nationals. She followed up with this:

However, for any of our bowlers who compete in USBC-sanctioned leagues or tournaments, you should be aware of the new USBC ball specification rules to ensure that your equipment complies.

I'm assuming they will eventually follow suit, but the issue is right now. I had all my summer balls drilled without a weight hole. Most still fall within current specs or are slightly over. I am not putting holes in the ones that are over though. If someone decides to call me out in league - though how would they really know - so be it.

That sucks.  King Chad has spoken though so who cares about the knock on effects?  Not him certainly.
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Re: Static weight experiment
« Reply #54 on: September 05, 2018, 01:44:33 PM »
I just found out this week that CTF has decided to wait on the new rules. They usually follow whatever USBC does. This is what the executive director had to say:

The Canadian Tenpin Federation (CTF) would like to advise that at the time of publishing this article, CTF has not adopted these changes, preferring to wait until the World Bowling Technical Committee weighs in on this matter. In light of this, Chapter VI of the 2018-19 rule book is being revised and will be distributed in the near future.

The problem is, a lot of Canadians go and bowl in USBC events, especially Nationals. She followed up with this:

However, for any of our bowlers who compete in USBC-sanctioned leagues or tournaments, you should be aware of the new USBC ball specification rules to ensure that your equipment complies.

I'm assuming they will eventually follow suit, but the issue is right now. I had all my summer balls drilled without a weight hole. Most still fall within current specs or are slightly over. I am not putting holes in the ones that are over though. If someone decides to call me out in league - though how would they really know - so be it.

Depends on how close they are with the pro shop if there is one in the house to check your equipment on the spot based on their allegations. Just don't beat any teams and no one will care lol.

Well the two guys who are fully aware about it have already spoken to my PSO about it. One definitely is the type to call someone out. Textbook bowler if there ever was one. The other guy, I bowled with the last two seasons. Also someone who will point out rules. I'm not bowling with him this year. We are on pretty good terms though. I can't see him getting on my case.

The issue is that my PSO was also under the assumption that CTF would follow USBC. Other than for myself, he has also gone the no weight hole route with a few other regular customers - unless they requested a hole. I don't know if the two bowlers above are aware of this though.

The first guy above does bowl Nationals every year. One of his teammates was in the shop complaining about CTF's decision yesterday. I know several bowlers who also bowl leagues in Detroit. Obviously you can still use holes for another two years. But some people like the idea of not having to when buying new balls now.

In my opinion, based on seeing my new balls and my older ones with holes, these new rules are very much a non-factor. I'm not seeing much difference, especially on house shots. I feel like balance holes/static weight are way down on the list when it comes to ball motion. The majority of bowlers will not be consistent enough to have these things come into play.