They say bring it back to 1/2 oz positive because whatever drilling you're looking at is requiring an x-hole. The use and location of that xhole is to modify the shape of the reaction, not the actual static weight itself. You can get 1/2oz positive weight with hundereds of thousands of variables considering weighthole locations, sizes, and depths. Now guess what? With all of those hundreds of layout variations that will yeild the same ending statics, they will roll differently. Why? Because of the location, size, and depth of the x-hole which is going to change the roll of the ball path and make the bal stabilize quicker, later, and affect the flare potential.
Call AMF up for an explaination. I'm 100% sure they'll tell you the same thing.
You'd think after 4-6 years of the same thing over and over that some people would be willing to accept a completely logical and proven theory besides the same group of guys on one side of the fence.