About 1 1/2 years ago I got rid of my wrist/finger support. It took a while, but now I bowl easily without the support.
I don't know if I over bowled last week because I subbed a couple of times or if my middle finger didn't release out of the ball correctly because I injured my middle finger. The middle finger swelled up and was very painful so I didn't bowl for three days. I ordered the Steelfingers on line Sunday but was lucky that one of the guys I bowled with on Sunday had an old pair in his bag he didn't use.
I took them apart and only used the Steelfinger on my ring finger and was pain free for all five games. My finger is still a little sore but no worse then before I threw the five games.
I would recommend the Steelfingers to anyone who is having pain in their bowling fingers due to bowling. It has been very helpful.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)