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Author Topic: Steelfingers very helpful  (Read 2987 times)


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Steelfingers very helpful
« on: March 06, 2011, 11:01:54 PM »
About 1 1/2 years ago I got rid of my wrist/finger support.  It took a while, but now I bowl easily without the support.


I don't know if I over bowled last week because I subbed a couple of times or if my middle finger didn't release out of the ball correctly because I injured my middle finger.  The middle finger swelled up and was very painful so I didn't bowl for three days.  I ordered the Steelfingers on line Sunday but was lucky that one of the guys I bowled with on Sunday had an old pair in his bag he didn't use.


I took them apart and only used the Steelfinger on my ring finger and was pain free for all five games.  My finger is still a little sore but no worse then before I threw the five games.


I would recommend the Steelfingers to anyone who is having pain in their bowling fingers due to bowling.  It has been very helpful.




Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Steelfingers very helpful
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 07:51:57 AM »
Do those secure around the finger?  Hard to tell from the pictures, but looks like they might be velcro?  Not a whole lot of information on the site - are they pre-bent?  Do they basically hold your fingers in that bent position?
What about the Griips Glove?


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Re: Steelfingers very helpful
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 08:04:20 AM »
Thats the website.  They are held on with Velcro and you can use just one finger or both.  They are pre-bent and in a good position in my opinion.  It takes a little use to putting them on, but if you just start one piece of Velcro and then the second and go back and tighten the Velcro after both are started, it makes it easier.


I had the wrist support/Steelfingers a while back, but didn't care for the wrist support. I was able to use the Steelfingers over my glove and under my wrist support though with ease.



Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited by Nicanor on 3/7/2011 at 9:06 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Steelfingers very helpful
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2011, 10:01:02 AM »

qstick777 wrote on 3/7/2011 8:51 AM:
Do those secure around the finger? 
Yes  (My comments have to do with the basic Steelfingers, not their wrist support. I had tendonitis of the 2nd knuckle of the ring finger.They helped me bowl pain-free until it cleared up. I always carry a pair with me just in case.
Hard to tell from the pictures, but looks like they might be velcro? 
Yes. There's a velcro strap just below the first knuckle of the middle and the ring finger and a 2nd velcro strap below the 2nd knuckle of each finger. They keep the Steelfinger in place. You can tighten it as loose or as firmly as is comfortable. However too tightly and you can easily cut off circulation in your fingers, they will swell up and it can be hard to put your fingers in the holes.
Not a whole lot of information on the site - are they pre-bent? 
The steel backing the foam rubber that is THE steelfinger is slightly bent at approximately the angle of your fingers wrapping on the outside of the ball. It can be bent more or less, I had found that the angle it comes is just perfect.
The steel and foam go further to just below the 3rd knuckle, the knuckle in your hand. 
Do they basically hold your fingers in that bent position?
What about the Griips Glove?
FWIW I tried it and found it extremely confining and hard to release the ballproperly. For finger pain the Steelfingers are optimal, in my opinion. For wrist support, I find most other supports much better than the Griips glove, whose sole purpose seems to be to eliminate finger inserts,

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"Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."