Well, heres the story, I bowled a tournament this afternoon and started out pretty well, went 224 first game out(3 game qualifier). After the first game we move lanes to another pair and I start out with a double and then one of the other guys on my pair sticks and falls, instantly one the bowling alley employees is down there with his spray and a rag trying to make things better. I appreciate the attention to the incident but I had no problem with the approaches. Now the next four frames I stick like crazy and go through the nose for a greek church, 3-10 split, 4-9 split, and a 6-10. At this point I am not happy, my game is shot with 3 opens in a row. I finish the game out with a couple strikes and couple spares for 175. The last game we move again and no problems, I shoot 246 but I am not going to qualify for the semi-finals in my part just because of the approaches. Now here is my question, do I have a right to complain or take any action or am I just screwed??