Stay clear of Harrah's Casino in Las Vegas for awhile, or at least don't use the valet!!!
Stayed in Vegas last weekend. Leisure trip but took two of my balls just get some games in while there. The only place it could have been lifted is in my trunk while parked at Harrah's Casino valet parking during a 10 hour window. Lost my Mix, a Hy-Road, half of a Storm 4 ball roller, shoes, and other stuff.
My guess is they hired 1 bad apple who is probably working with a buddy to steal stuff out of trunks while they are parked. He will go to the well to many times and eventually get caught. Between now and then there will be a bunch of victims like me. I filled out a report with Harrah's security and I don't expect to be reimbursed, but it would be nice if they forked over some cash. I don't want a comp because I won't stay there again, ever.
But before that I did get some bowling in at the Orleans. Avg about 205 over 9 games on a tricky pair at 1am and half drunk conditions, lol.
I'm going to replace my HyRoad with a Honey Badger today because I got league tomorrow night. Gonna skip replacing the Mix for awhile and see if I can live without a spare-ball.