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Author Topic: Stop Reviews that are Lame-Ones!!!  (Read 1011 times)

Saw Mill

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Stop Reviews that are Lame-Ones!!!
« on: December 19, 2003, 11:57:59 AM »
What really is annoying is people who submit a ball review, and yet they do not know how to post a review.  It is one thing to not like a ball, but just to say the ball sucks, and do not post layout, conditions, etc..., is just wrong.  Also, if you cannot post a profile, then why waste time on a LAME review?  There are impressionable new bowlers out there that may actually take your advice, when it seems very apparent that you have no clue on the ball or specs.

I am posting this because notacranker posted a really useless review on the Golden Nugget, and the whole review was how the ball sucked, and was a waste of money.  I am not whinning, however I am saying that your attempt to discredit a worthy ball was as lame as if a person who had no knowledge of bowling posted it.  Anyone that was knowledgeable to post a review would know to include the layout and conditions, as well as a profile, so users would know bowling style.  

Your user name of "NOTacranker", would obviously imply that you are rev challenged, and therefore the ball may have been laid out for you wrong. Perhaps you did not know that a good review, worth its salt, would include technical data, and because yours just was a bash post, would imply that maybe you did not know what condition to drill it for.

One thing that you will NEVER find me doing is bashing another company, even though I am a Lane 1 user.  I believe it is called respect that there are other good balls out there, but they are just not good for me.  Too bad that the reviews posted do not get screened to ensure that lame-ones like notacranker's do not make the viewing, thereby saving the new bowlers from being confused by unprofessional "hater" users.  I am sure that the user will respond, and because he openly slammed a good company, with am unprofessional and unrealistic review, I had to post this openly.  Nothing personal or hateful, but it really does bother me when sensless reviews take up important space.


If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!

Edited on 12/20/2003 4:15 AM



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Re: Stop Reviews that are Lame-Ones!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2003, 02:59:33 AM »
i agree, this crap is getting out of hand. if you dont know how to post a ball review, then ask for help, or stay away!!

"Lead, Follow, or get the heck out of my way!!"

"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"

Saw Mill

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Re: Stop Reviews that are Lame-Ones!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2003, 03:07:17 AM »
If you check out ALL his reviews, they are super un-informative.  He is sooooo general with his comments, and does not show that he has too much technical knowledge.  Besides, he has supposedly tested and reviewed 8 balls, and 6 of them were Saws, IF he really tried them.  Seems to be another hater of an awesome ball, probably because it does NOT work for him, or Cannot work for him.  If the company sucks so much, then it does not seem to smart to try their stuff, but he seems to keep on doing it.  Also, another review and post by a bowler who cannot find the time to post a "tru" and informative profile.  This site need to do something about those who review balls and do not know how to post the findings.  Hey, NOTacranker, get an issue of Bowling this month Magazine, and you will see that they at least have positive comments to say about all the stuff, as well as the negative, and they NEVER SLAM any ball or company.  NAC, check out CountryClubBowler's review on the BCB, his was not one of rave about the ball, BUT it was objective and had both good and bad (for him) results.  

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!

Edited on 12/20/2003 4:10 AM

matt smith

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Re: Stop Reviews that are Lame-Ones!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2003, 03:40:53 AM »

couldnt agree with you more. I havnt posted a review in a while, but i still dont see how hard it is. Here is a throw together review just off the top of my head, see how i go.

Ball: Track Mutant.
Weight: 15Lb
Top Weight: 2 Oz
Pin Distance: 4 Inches
Drilling: 3 3/8 X 3 3/8

Even though i get the impression that this ball is ment to go long and have a killer back end, with this drilling, and the conditions i have bowled on, i find quite the opposite. This ball has very little length for me, and a nice hard arc to the pocket... which is exactly why i chose the drilling i did. I moved the balance hole further down on the VAL, into the thumb quadrant, to decrease the transition distance between skid and hook that the ball had on the lane. It worked.

Condition 1: House shot, 8-8 oiling to roughly 32 feet. Awesome, simply awesome for this type of condition. This ball is a monstor, stand left and throw it right, it will have no problem turning the corner for you. I could play through 20, swinging to the channel and back, just by increasing my revs marginally, and by shutting my revs down i could play thru 10 board, and feel with the utmost confidence that it wouldnt over react.

Condition 2: Flat, heavy and long condition. Not sure of the length of oil here, but it was long. Even with the flat condition out there i could still get some hook from this ball. The agressive drilling with the balance hole placement really worked a treat on oil for this ball. My scores showed bad bowling, but the ball was performing on the day, my brain just wasnt.

Condition 3: 3rd shift house shot. Not enough oil. This baby needs oil in the heads, if they break down, gear down to a pearl. Has a tendancy to jump WAY to hard on the dry conditions. Put it away!

Im not real fussed on rating the so called carry of the ball. Too many variables that can effect this. Lets say it mixxes the pins hard, and keeps them low, if the 10 wants to stand, it will stand, regardless if its a plastic AMF ball or a frickin Lane 1 ball. Nuf said.

Overall i give this ball an 8. I find it hard to give a ball anything above this if it cant work on EVERY condition, and no ball i have except my Triple threat can do that. Good ball for oil.

good luck and high scoring
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/