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Author Topic: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops  (Read 9247 times)


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Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:43:58 AM »
I just got an email from Storm stating that, effective 2/1/2011 they are setting new floor pricing for their higher end balls and roller bags. Enforcement will be placed on distributors who will lose any and all discounts if they sell to retailers who then sell below the floor price.


Some pricing examples:


Anarchy $154

Marvel   $139

Victory Road $118

Theory $133


4 ball Rolling Thunder $191

3 ball Rolling Thunder $123

4 ball Streamline $167

3 ball Streamline $96


Bravo to Storm. Let the flames begin.




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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2011, 10:55:24 PM »
If you're looking for a way to "beat the system," here it is...
1) Don't buy new releases until they're on closeout.
2) Repeat step #1.
Really. This is one reason why I started drilling my own stuff -- a decision made primarily because my local pro shop, at the time, saw  fit to only be open 3-4 hours a day, at times rarely coinciding with the posted hours on the door, and oftentimes doing work that was not all that professional. It has improved recently, but the horses are out of the barn for me.
Since opening my backyard shop, I have gotten great results out of buying stuff 6 months after it came out, usually at a discount, and it performs just as well as the latest and greatest. I realize not everyone has the space to put a shop in their home, but if saving money is that important, learn to work the system.
Otherwise, the pro shops will charge what they need to charge, and the ball companies will do what they have to do to protect their greatest asset -- i.e., the final delivery mechanism, meaning the pro shop. We're losing too many pro shops in the small and midsize markets as it is.


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2011, 07:17:37 AM »

JessN16 wrote on 1/18/2011 11:55 PM:
If you're looking for a way to "beat the system," here it is...
1) Don't buy new releases until they're on closeout.
2) Repeat step #1.
Really. This is one reason why I started drilling my own stuff -- a decision made primarily because my local pro shop, at the time, saw  fit to only be open 3-4 hours a day, at times rarely coinciding with the posted hours on the door, and oftentimes doing work that was not all that professional. It has improved recently, but the horses are out of the barn for me.
Since opening my backyard shop, I have gotten great results out of buying stuff 6 months after it came out, usually at a discount, and it performs just as well as the latest and greatest. I realize not everyone has the space to put a shop in their home, but if saving money is that important, learn to work the system.
Otherwise, the pro shops will charge what they need to charge, and the ball companies will do what they have to do to protect their greatest asset -- i.e., the final delivery mechanism, meaning the pro shop. We're losing too many pro shops in the small and midsize markets as it is.

This is what I did and looks like you and others have done also.   The companies now set the limit, and now the e-tailers and shops have raised prices up to 30 bucks.  May not be alot to some, but it is to me, along with the principle of what they're doing.  If the price of their purchase from the dist. hasn't gone up, than why have prices gone up? 
I've gone out and learned the system, layouts, drillings, hole placements, etc. etc. etc., yadda, yadda, yadda.  I'll take my drillings over a shop that can't match the span on a ball any day!  And yes, I've fixed many friends balls because of that reason and because they couldn't match the friggan pitches.  But they were talked into the newest and greatest ball that came out that would do wonders for their game.  Only to tear up their thumb because of not matching pitches and span being an 1/8 to 3/16 off.  Now granted not all shops are like this, but a great number are.  And its either deal with them or learn the system, like JessN16 and I, among others who have. 

A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb.....It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus.....a mutagentic toxin created by international enterprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bio-weapon experiments.
Don't worry the zombies are looking for brains, your safe.....


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2011, 08:14:12 AM »
I buy online and it's not just to save a couple bucks.... Where I live there are 2 proshops, I've seen the work that they do and actually had a ball drilled at both places. All I have to say is that I will never let them touch any of my equipment again... I have found a guy that does a good job but he does not own a proshop, therefore I must buy online. The shops will not cut prices on a ball even if you don't have them drill it, so I have no choice but to shop online. I know this scenario is probably not that common, but companies doing this like ebonite and storm hurts the bowler like myself...

Just my 2¢, love it or hate it, I really don't care.


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2011, 08:36:03 AM »
Joe, Yes it does appear that if a consumer who was USED to the LOW BALL PRICES they were getting online for the last 12 years, then yes they are paying a few dollars more if still bought ONLINE...
However I have not seen any price increases at the PRO SHOP LEVEL... Just your ONLINE dealers...
So if a consumer bought from a pro shop for the last 12 years, he is not seeing any increase in prices at the pro shop level...
It's YOU, the people that were able to take advantage of Dist/Online dealers LOW BALL prices for the last 12 years that will be PAYING more if you buy ONLINE................
And now for the first time in the ONLINE ERA... The field has been leveled...And it's upsets you to see that pro shops now are getting a fair deal...
so sad too bad...................
So once again JOE,   want don't you bash your ONLINE dealers... for they raised the prices to YOU...Not Ebonite, Not Storm...
Of course Joe, you can still buy Brunswick at super low prices...Stock up...And make sure you get a towel and polish and cleaner and taco's....<<< That's right, I said taco's..
JOE FALCO wrote on 1/18/2011 7:29 PM:
We can look at this in different lights .. truth of the matter is .. The on-line dealers were offering discounts to bowlers .. since Ebonite says YOU CAN'T OFFER THESE DISCOUNTS  .. we the BOWLER is losing out. I believe this is also hurting the on-line dealers since they no-longer can offer the BOWLER a better price. Now the BOWLER NOT HAVING AN OPTION has to pay a HIGHER PRICE then they were though the on-line dealer before Ebonite made this change. It's being called PROTECTING THEIR PRODUCT .. but who are they protecting against .. BUYERS???? Now STORM is jumping on the bandwagon .. why? It's been said .. IT'S ONLY $10 .. now the $10 (as it's being referred too) is only an increase to the BOWLER! I guess it's better in the B/M shops pocket then it is in the bowlers pocket! (to explain: the bowler now has to dish out extra money to either the B/M shops or dish out more money to the on-line shop .. naturally the B/M shop is not making more on the ball due to the Ebonite change .. just the bowler is paying more .. convoluted .. but that's the way it goes! NET/NET the bowler is paying more .. now it seems STORM will follow suite ..why not all the ball companies .. the only one losing out is the BOWLER)

Maybe the companies have the right idea .. get these prices higher before the USBC kills the game entirely!



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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2011, 08:55:37 AM »
It's YOU, the people that were able to take advantage of Dist/On line dealers LOW BALL prices for the last 12 years that will be PAYING more if you buy ONLINE................


Finally .. agreed .. as you suggested that's 33% of balls sold .. I guess that means 33% of bowlers buying ball had an option taking away from them when Ebonite made this change.

Could have saved me a lot of time if you said this earlier.. and I would not have to read all these vicious remarks by some bowlers who can't see what's happening!

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2011, 09:02:10 AM »
 Once again JLS speaks for the masses. I, the consumer buying at the pro shop level have not seen a price increase even though my pro shop is raising his storm ball prices buy an average of 15 bucks, and he already did the same for Ebonite.  I guess that's not higher it's lower, stupid me. For the record, my pro shop should be higher then the on line retailer because he gives me incredible service, advise on equipment and surface changes etc.  But the fact is he is raising his price because now he can. The online shops are going up to his price so now he can go up a few bucks and still be competitive.  Online shops were $139 and he was 159. Now they are $159 so he can go up to 174 and not be out of line. If the on line shop was still $139 my pro shop couldn't justify being at the $174 level.  All that being said, the prices can and in some cases are going up for the consumer.   Whether or not these are justified is another debate, but so same the consumer is not going to potentially see an increase is in m opinion foolish.

Oh wait all that is wrong, because JLS said "if a consumer bought from a pro shop for the last 12 years, he is not seeing any increase in prices at the pro shop level.". And believe him when he tells us, because he knows. With the hundred of balls in inventory, sells more polish in a day then most do in a month, and all his employees, he knows and speaks for all.  If you don't  believe me just ask him.

Oh and one more thing JLS,  I was almost proud of you, because you almost made it through an entire post without some snide, backhanded, racist comment.

Proud keyboard ponder.


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2011, 09:33:04 AM »

 Joe, It's not 33% of bowlers. It's 33% of ball sales.Online sales are skewed towards ball junkies like you.  For every bowler who buys 10 balls/year online, there are probably 10 or 20 bowlers buying 1 ball/year in the pro shop. See the difference?


Who do you think Ebonite and Storm want to see happy?; the 1 online consumer or the 10 or 20 pro shop consumers.


Do you understand the math? 30 balls get sold, you buy 10 of them. That's 33% of balls, but only 5-10% of the consumers.


JOE FALCO wrote on 1/19/2011 9:55 AM:


Finally .. agreed .. as you suggested that's 33% of balls sold .. I guess that means 33% of bowlers buying ball had an option taking away from them when Ebonite made this change.

Could have saved me a lot of time if you said this earlier.. and I would not have to read all these vicious remarks by some bowlers who can't see what's happening!



Edited by BW on 1/19/2011 at 10:36 AM
Edited by BW on 1/19/2011 at 10:36 AM


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2011, 10:27:37 AM »
Air dry...When I said that pro shops were not raising prices, that is exactly what I have seen and heard... I'm in the business, not you... You are nothing more than a two bit stalker of JLS... NOTICE, there were several other pro shops who posted, yet you ignore their post, even though they seem to be on the same page as me...Yet you do your usual thing of bashing me... You are nothing but a two bit keyboard pounding stalker...
Now once agaon CHILD, I have not seen any price increases since the Nov. 1st Ebonite policy went into affect...
Now as time goes by, I'm sure our cost will go up and then pro shops will raise their prices...
But all you are trying to do, you little keyboard pounding stalker is try to make it look like pro shops are trying to screw the public..
Now recess is over child... go pee pee on the toy toy,  we don't need anymore accidents in class...
And please, wash your hands...Still sucking your thumb right...
airrip wrote on 1/19/2011 10:02 AM: Once again JLS speaks for the masses. I, the consumer buying at the pro shop level have not seen a price increase even though my pro shop is raising his storm ball prices buy an average of 15 bucks, and he already did the same for Ebonite.  I guess that's not higher it's lower, stupid me. For the record, my pro shop should be higher then the on line retailer because he gives me incredible service, advise on equipment and surface changes etc.  But the fact is he is raising his price because now he can. The online shops are going up to his price so now he can go up a few bucks and still be competitive.  Online shops were $139 and he was 159. Now they are $159 so he can go up to 174 and not be out of line. If the on line shop was still $139 my pro shop couldn't justify being at the $174 level.  All that being said, the prices can and in some cases are going up for the consumer.   Whether or not these are justified is another debate, but so same the consumer is not going to potentially see an increase is in m opinion foolish.

Oh wait all that is wrong, because JLS said "if a consumer bought from a pro shop for the last 12 years, he is not seeing any increase in prices at the pro shop level.". And believe him when he tells us, because he knows. With the hundred of balls in inventory, sells more polish in a day then most do in a month, and all his employees, he knows and speaks for all.  If you don't  believe me just ask him.

Oh and one more thing JLS,  I was almost proud of you, because you almost made it through an entire post without some snide, backhanded, racist comment.

Proud keyboard ponder.



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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2011, 10:42:21 AM »
Now is it just me or am I the only one here that thinks it's hilarious that jls is calling people children when he himself is the one acting like one?


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2011, 10:56:30 AM »
It is simple in his mind, if you are not on HIS side of something YOU are WRONG.


Cobb wrote on 1/19/2011 11:42 AM:Now is it just me or am I the only one here that thinks it's hilarious that jls is calling people children when he himself is the one acting like one?


Brunswick Advisory Staff

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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2011, 11:11:42 AM »
Isn't it amazing,  the pro shops near this guy are no good....But as usual with online shoppers, he "found a guy"  and now he gets his "stuff" drilled right...
And of course "his guy" is not a pro shop.    So therefore he must be the best, cause as we all can plainly see from Air drips little friend here...Pro shops don't know how to drill,  but he "found a guy"..
move along both of you...
U R both online shoppers who seek out hole pounders to drill your balls...
Cobb wrote on 1/19/2011 9:14 AM:I buy online and it's not just to save a couple bucks.... Where I live there are 2 proshops, I've seen the work that they do and actually had a ball drilled at both places. All I have to say is that I will never let them touch any of my equipment again... I have found a guy that does a good job but he does not own a proshop, therefore I must buy online. The shops will not cut prices on a ball even if you don't have them drill it, so I have no choice but to shop online. I know this scenario is probably not that common, but companies doing this like ebonite and storm hurts the bowler like myself...

Just my 2¢, love it or hate it, I really don't care.



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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2011, 11:14:20 AM »
On look, a reply from someone on Brunswick's staff...
And of course it will be negative towards any pro shop who supports what the GOOD PEOPLE at Storm and Ebonite are doing...
Wake up Brunswick
BKloss wrote on 1/19/2011 11:56 AM:
It is simple in his mind, if you are not on HIS side of something YOU are WRONG.


Cobb wrote on 1/19/2011 11:42 AM:Now is it just me or am I the only one here that thinks it's hilarious that jls is calling people children when he himself is the one acting like one?


Brunswick Advisory Staff

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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2011, 11:27:48 AM »


You make statements that may hold true for your pro shop, but not everyone’s. You cannot speak for shops that raise their prices, or lower their prices in regards to what Ebonite and Storm has done with their pricing. And just because a guy drills and doesn't do so in a pro-shop doesn't mean he has no clue what he is doing and EVERY pro-shop is better. There are 4 pro shops in my area and 1 out of the 4 I would trust to drill my equipment. Just because you have a shop in an alley doesn’t make a good pro-shop, it means you can afford the rent.

As far as Brunswick waking up? What about the other companies? AMF, Global, Mo-Rich, Motiv, Lane 1 etc….?


Brunswick Advisory Staff

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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2011, 11:30:42 AM »
 Its amazing how people like yourself (jls) can write about something and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. The saying must be true, ignorance is bliss. To clear things up, I moved to my current location about two years ago, I had a great pro shop where I resided previously. When I moved I tried the local shops and even gave them balls to duplicate spans/pitches and whatnot, both of the shops failed miserably. So I contacted my old proshop to see if they were to get a ball drilled where I now live, who they'd trust drilling it. They referred me to "a guy" who did a great job, leaps and bounds better than what I received from the local shops. So next time you might want to think twice about talking about something you obviously don't have a clue about, but who am I kidding, that will never happen. You know why? You're one of those "key pounders" (as you put it) that likes to try and put other people down over the net just to stroke your ego.


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Re: Storm joins Ebonite in protecting pro shops
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2011, 11:38:51 AM »
Well why don't we ask the many pro shops that do post here if they have raised their prices since the Nov. 1 Ebonite policy went into affect...  I have not seen any indication of prices being raised... Just because air dry claims it, doesn't make it so...
Now give me a break with this stuff about "I wouldn't let that pro shop drill my stuff"
We hear this all the time on this site... and from whom????????????
From keyboard pounders who buy online...
Now U know the main reason they have hole pounders drill their balls...
CHEAP PRICES    Usually $25 with inserts, slugs, lunch and a car wash...
Now give me a break...Most real pro shops KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING...
Sure there are the CONVERTED BROOM CLOSET PRO SHOPS that may not...U- know the ones...
Usually open from 5-8, and they BOWL during that time...
Now as for the other SMALLER companies you brought up...
In time I do believe they will also wake up...
But I was putting your company>>> Brunswick in the same class as Storm and Ebonite...
The big three, the industry leaders...
Now two have stepped forward...
once again
Wake up Brunswick
BKloss wrote on 1/19/2011 12:27 PM:


You make statements that may hold true for your pro shop, but not everyone’s. You cannot speak for shops that raise their prices, or lower their prices in regards to what Ebonite and Storm has done with their pricing. And just because a guy drills and doesn't do so in a pro-shop doesn't mean he has no clue what he is doing and EVERY pro-shop is better. There are 4 pro shops in my area and 1 out of the 4 I would trust to drill my equipment. Just because you have a shop in an alley doesn’t make a good pro-shop, it means you can afford the rent.

As far as Brunswick waking up? What about the other companies? AMF, Global, Mo-Rich, Motiv, Lane 1 etc….?


Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
