I need to go back to the results page for the tournament and refresh my memory. I do remember that one couple, currently 4th or 5th, both play right up the third arrow. The gal throws plastic. She is 2nd in WIBC handicap, I believe. Her husband throws a small swing shot. Might go up the third arrow and out a few boards.
One guy, who was 3rd handicap ABC but since dropped a little, stands about 25, out to 10 and usually strikes. He usually throws a Fuel or a Ti Messenger Pearl BSP.
Trios WIBC team were all pretty much up the 10 board. All were using reactive resin balls.
Most everyone said that aggressive balls were too much. Several bought the Storm Power Charge to use while they were there.
If you need more specific information, I can talk to most of the people that have been there as most are in my Monday night league.
If you had everything......where would you put it?Edited on 10/3/2003 11:34 PM