Very rarely do I play passed the 5th arrow. But, I've done it in the past on non THS and one of my trips overseas on a guardian surface with a city pattern.
I stand in front of the ball return taking 4 steps (normally I take 5), with the first step being really really short - more of a timing step. I don't alter my step up. The only thing I do different in my approach is my push away. I push inside to create a figure 8 type swing. Also mentally and visually, I try to think I'm playing "down and in". I don't swing it big with my rev rate, I can't. So, I keep the pocket close if the lanes allows me to (and if my body can do it lol)'s a tough angle to play and I don't prefer it. but, it's good to try and practice it because one day you may need to.
Likewise, a ball that has a hook set motion works for me.