Ahhh the wonders of the search function... Was looking for information on exactly this machine. Our local center just got one in about a month ago. I never paid much attention to it besides a casual glance. Last night before league I was noticing my Vis-a-Ball was looking kinda beat up and it's been tailing a bit on me so I decided to try the machine and throw some polish on it. Worked great on my spare ball so I'm going to try a resurface on an older ball of mine tonight before league and see how it does. Talked to the Pro Shop owner about it and he says it does a really good job on all the finishes. Said that if you choose the resurface option, it will take it down to 500 sand first, then up to 1000, then up to 2000, then up to 4000 and then you can throw polish on top of any of those you want. Obviously you can stop at whatever grit you want for your final surface finish and you can also control the sanding times and polishing times for any of them.....
It was $3 for a polish on my spare ball and I think it's $20 for a full refinish with varying amounts for the in-between stuff.
Seems like a pretty slick machine!
Never argue with an
idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with