Hey all this is the first time for me posting on here in a long time but figured I'd share my experience for the past few months. Last year was my first season as an adult. I bowled two leagues and ended up avging 212 and 213 in them each in a differnt house. I shot 1 800 and 0 300's. I bowled alot in Jr events before and had some pretty good success. Shot 300 a few times, always avged between 215-220 ext... But bowling success for me always seemed to come in streaks. Everything would feel good one week and the next would feel totally differnt. I practiced myself in too a big slump around mid point of the season because I went a good month or two where no matter what I tried my sets would end in 580-620. So when practicing one day I started messing around with taking my thumb out of the ball. Something I have always could do well just really never could control and get the correct ball speed with. After working on it for a few games and starting to pick up the timing, I realized the carry I was getting was by far superrior then what I could even dream of with one hand. After realizing this I was determined to get it down. After practicing alot for a a few months I developed a consistant apr and timing was down. I showed my coach and he couldnt beleive his eyes the power my ball was hiting with. So far this year in my lg I have been much more consistant low set is 640 and high is 715 in the first 7 weeks and avg is 224. I think I still have alot more room to improve as well since I am using alot of older equipment and once I find new balls too match up better up with. The thing that I can say honestly that has been the best part is that I enjoy the game soo much more now and have that drive again to get better and improve. Before switching I felt that I had peaked and bowling wasnt even enjoyable anymore and honestly was considering giving it up. My question to all the BR users is has anyone else switched to two handed and found success like myself ? Also is there anywhere on the web that I can find some good two handed instructional vid's ? I found a few short clips on Youtube with Belmo that helped alot since most of my methods have been self taught from the start. Sorry for the lengthy post but I'm really hoping to get some feedback from the BR community.