I need to look at the positives of last night's bowling and not what could have been and I am hoping this is not coming of as FIGJAM but I have never had this occur or have known anybody that has done this. Last night in league I was perfect on the right lane 19 strikes (finished on the lane obviously for the 1st & 3rd games). Now I need to mention that I was totally lost on the left lane it was so burned up I could not keep the ball off the head pin and at one point stayed brooklyn so as a team we could win the game without me opening in the tenth. The 2nd game I had the front 9 with 2 brooklyns on the left lane and I tried to adjust for the 10th and left a 5-7, I am not sure the last time I left a 5-7 was, but anyway funny evening. Shot 741 not great considering I was 525 after two but I only had 2 opens.