Thats nothing compared to the way I got jobbed the last time out, hit the pocket on what I THOUGHT was going to be a strike, well aparently one of the bowling god's had just found the neighbor doing his wife or something. I carried 4 pins, yes 4 on a pocket hit, I got the 1,3,5,8. It looked like I had set up and shot these things with a rifle strait to the pit.. I was so shocked I just stood there, then had to laugh... worst part of it all was I sent a ball up the left side of the lane screaming at the reverse angle and left the 7-10 at the end of it.. must be what duck pin guys go through.. I swear I have never seen anything like it, I hit it with my cell so I wouldn't have thought I could produce that kind of angle or anything. I would be the first person to call bs on this even being possible, that is until I saw it.