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Author Topic: Strategy on 5man line-up...  (Read 1154 times)


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Strategy on 5man line-up...
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:03:51 AM »
I was just thinking about this ahead of a team tournament I am playing in…

What do you guys think on the subject of the strategy behind the line-up in 5 man teams?

I know conventionally the strongest player, or best under pressure would go in the anchor position, or a good player in first to “lead off” and get the strikes rolling etc… but how much, in your opinion, does it matter?




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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2008, 08:18:20 AM »
For tourneys, I like to put guys up top who can read the pattern when you switch pairs and let the other guys know what they are seeing.

Other than that, you want your better two guys on the bottom to finish games off and get you as many pins as you can.
Repetition is everything..


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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2008, 08:37:24 AM »
I don't think it should matter much at all. Some people like to bowl in specific positions and I think that if there's a preference then you should try and accomodate it, because people will always bowl better when they're comfortable.
I don't mind where in the line-up I bowl, I'll back myself to do ok in whichever spot I'm put.
My major issue with people who "have to bowl first" or wherever else, is, what happens if you have two of them in one team?
Reporting from England


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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2008, 08:49:24 AM »
Absolutebowling,  I think you are talking about when each player is playing against eachother, but I mean in just general 5s competition.. so it doesnt really matter who each player faces.

I would think the best solutions is probably:

1- 2nd best player
2- 4th best player
3- Worst player
4- 3rd best player
5- Best player

Anglo Bolwer - I'm much the same, I dont particularly mind where I bowl, and often our teams our simply laid out with the people who like to go first/last taking preferance and the rest just falling in between!


Edited on 8/4/2008 8:51 AM


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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 09:14:14 AM »
How we line 'em up.  

1-3rd highest average--one that can easily read lanes
3-4th highest average
4-highest average
5-highest strike % great strike bowler but not necessarily highest average on my teams 2nd highest average.




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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2008, 09:25:39 AM »
I think average means nothing in setting up your lineup

1.  Best Bowler                          sets the pace for the team
2.  Good Bowler                          around the pocket makes most spares
3.  Worse Bowler                         any spare made is gravy
4.  Best or close to best spare shooter  makes that spare to take pressure off
5.  Best person to strike                able to throw a double if necessary

If you have a real good team, then anyone can bowl in any position, just put them where they feel most comfortable


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Re: Strategy on 5man line-up...
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2008, 09:44:18 PM »
it's worth noting that the great budweiser team of 1958 had don carter in the leadoff position and dick weber as the anchor. why ? in 1958 don carter was acknowledged as the best player in the world at that time.