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Author Topic: Strike and Spare Percentage  (Read 10139 times)


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Strike and Spare Percentage
« on: March 30, 2004, 07:59:55 AM »
Does anyone know there strike and spare percentage? I just started calculating mine. I have percentages for 22 games. Let me know how you calculate your percentages. I would like to compare.



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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2004, 11:27:11 PM »
I've done this from time to time. I base the strike percentage on the number of frames thrown per game. If I throw a spare in the tenth and have one fill ball, then that game would be an 11 frame game. If I throw a spare leave and miss, it would be 10- if I threw at least 2 strikes in the 10th, it would be based on 12 frames. For spares I count everything outside of splits- they would be put in another category. Sometimes I chart my single pin percentage as well (which would be a subset of the spare conversion percentage). When I have a little more expendable cash I will be getting the PDA software Frames so life would be easier to chart my progress, as it can be disruptive to the flow of bowling to try to chart every frame.



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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2004, 06:45:01 AM »
I have 12 games calculating it, It's very frustrating... the best spare percentage I've got was a 75.7% and strike 41.20%... But the average percentage is 55% spares 35% strikes.... I wanna cry... I need a HIGHER spare percentage.. And I am fighting for it !!!!!!!!!!!

Strike percentage is based on ALL frames and spare percentage is based on the frames you didn't strike... Easy...

I also record the split count and the percentage pins left on the deck after a strike shot (1 pin conversion, 2, 3... etc) I am happy because the highest percentage is for 1 pin...
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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2004, 07:55:52 AM »
Here's an Excel program that tracks just NUMBERS.  Not where you stand, what board you hit, etc.  But I like it anyway
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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2004, 08:39:04 AM »
I just do a basic determination of strike, spare, split, and open percentages.

On Monday Night: 3 Games, 666 Series

21 Strikes
9 Spares
2 Opens [Missed a 9 and a 7 in the 10th in game 2]
0 Splits

That's 32 frames.
Strike % = 65.63%
Spare % = 28.12%
Open % = 6.25%
Split % = 0%

I'd say I'm doing OK, but I'm sure I can do better.  Not missing gimme spares would be a big help.

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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2004, 09:15:24 AM »
I'm much the same as Pin-Nut...I haven't done any long-term tracking, but look at the numbers after each league session.

Last night- 3 games, 679
23 strikes
9 spares
3 open frames, including 2 splits

The splits were a 3-4-6-7 and a 4-9 and the other open was a 10-pin.

Those numbers have stayed pretty much the same since the begining of the year, but the series have contained roughly a 100 pin swing between high and low.  Percentages are both good and bad since the strike percentage being high does not always equate to higher is all about where you put those strikes.


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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2004, 11:21:45 AM »
I had an interesting session last night... (bowled really bad)
strike % 44 (16/36)
pocket % 80 (29/36)
pocket strike % 55 (16/29)
spare % 71 (10/14)
single pin % 87 (7/8)
splits % 11 (4/36)
I missed 4 spares last night - all but one chops when the ball slid past one of the pins...
and 4 splits. I picked up one of 'em.

These stats were for just last night... Off my new Frames software.
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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2004, 11:34:34 AM »
The author of Par Bowling: The Challenge has a great section in that book on just this subject; after looking at that, it's just math and percenatges.

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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Strike and Spare Percentage
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2004, 12:00:53 PM »
I keep track of carry percentage and spare percentage.  Carry is percentage of times you strike in the pocket.  (Strike percentage is depressing.)

On average, I hit the pocket (solidly) 31 of 34 first balls. (91%)
I carry, on average, 18 of 31 in the pocket.  (58%)
So I have a strike percentage of 54%+ for the occasional stupid carry.
On average, I will make 12 of 15 spares. (80%)

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