Anyone else participate in one?
You buy raffle tickets. If your ticket is drawn, you draw from a deck of cards. You need to knock down the number of pins that corresponds with the face value of the card you selected.
I finally had my ticket drawn last night, and wouldn't you know it...I draw a "4" out of the deck. Ranks right up there with a "2". I threw my spare ball across the alley and hit the 6-10 squarely, which took out the 9 as well. The 9 kicked back around and took out the 2, 4, 7, and 8. I still won $7 for my pin count, but missed out on the $137 that was in the pot. Carry over for next week

What's the best way to get a 4-count?
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~
Edited on 10/27/2008 11:32 AM