General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: splitcity on February 01, 2009, 04:32:07 AM
hello. need some help with finding a strong ball. i prefer brunswick but go ahead and mention whatever. need something reactive resin, or anything thats not particle. there are so many balls i have no clue whats comparable. something close or stronger than the fury would be good. thanks!
Virtual Gravity.
Formerly BrunsRico
I believe in the Brunswick line it may be the Maxxx Zone.
For me it is the Roto Grip Cell.
For others I think in the Ebonite family, I think the Striking Motion is their newest oiler from what I have read.
Lane #1 is touting their Agent Orange as the newest in heavy oil technology.
Just my $.02.
"It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sports.
What's tough is being good every day."-Willie Mays
Strong is a relative term. Any number of balls can be "strong" depending on the drilling and conditions on which they are used.
AMF Mega Friction is rumored to be "the" heavy oil ball at the moment.
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"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."
"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."
Strong is a relative term. Any number of balls can be "strong" depending on the drilling and conditions on which they are used.
AMF Mega Friction is rumored to be "the" heavy oil ball at the moment.
Unoffical FAQ (http://"")
Search Ballreviews entire database here (http://"")
"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."
"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."
q, it's my understanding that there's a 6% particle load on the MegaFriction. If this is not the case, I apologize.
Return with your shield or on it. Strength and honor. Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo
Me (http://"")
q, it's my understanding that there's a 6% particle load on the MegaFriction. If this is not the case, I apologize.
Return with your shield or on it. Strength and honor. Help control the population of Avenging Unicorns. Arm yourselves accordingly.
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo
Me (http://"")
Haven't seen it, so I don't know.
I saw the one post by revTrex that said it was 6% particle, and the post from tekneek that said it felt like a particle, but he wasn't able to see a particle load.
The AMF site lists it as a reactive. In the past they've been pretty good at listing particle. They listed the Velocity as having particle and that was such a low amount (1/4 of 1% if I remember correctly). I would think they would have listed particle if it was in there, but I may be wrong.
Unoffical FAQ (http://"")
Search Ballreviews entire database here (http://"")
"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."
"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."
900 Global Bounty
Amf Mega Friction
Storm Virtual Gravity
Visionary New Breed Solid
Track Rising S.E
Morich N'Sane LevRg
Roto Grip Cell
should all be plenty strong enough
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason
not to tout, but the dynamo is the most aggressive ball to date from L1
stronger than the AO (imo)
member : F.O.S.
pin shredder @ the sawmill
im on a magic carpet ride
Solid Reactive take your pick Bounty, Mega Friction, New Breed Solid, LevRG,
''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''
Progressive Metal Band
Hammer Sauce
Columbia Resurgence or Momentum Swing
Ebonite NVD Striking MOtion
Storm Virtual Gravity
Roto Cell
Track Rising SE
Brunswick Maxxx Zone
Morich N'sane Levrg
900 Global Bounty or Break S75
Lane 1 Dynamo
Visionary New Breed Solid
AMF Mega Friction
Brunswick Grizz! But seriously, MoRich N'Tense LevRg!
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!
Edited on 2/1/2009 2:27 PM