Was asked to sub on the Thursday night league by a summer team member and thought it might be interesting, and free bowling doesn't hurt. I bowled with this team and it was fun, but the other team was calling me a "Sandbagger" which I took as a very serious insult. I am very committed to always try my best and not get down when I struggle, just try to work through it. I also knew that my summer average was higher then my ending book, and tried to tell them this before I started but was told they only use established averages. Well this league takes your Book Average from last full season as your starting average. I have only been bowling for a year or so and last season I ended with a 148. I was using borrowed equipment and learning to throw fingertip. Over the summer I invested in all new Columbia equipment and practiced twice a week as well as bowled on a summer team with a coach as a team member. Needless to say I ended with a 187 average from summer league. Last night I shoot a 633 and was very pleased with myself, and was asked to sub again if needed, but being called a "Sandbagger" really upset me. I was only playing by their rules and if I had held back I would have hurt the team I was subbing for. I am not trying to whine, but this is "BS". They made the rules and passed them I was just doing what I was asked to do and help a team that needed a Bowler.
Ted Domey
Columbia Resurgence
Columbia Momentum
Hammer Black Widow (Retired)
Hammer Hawg (Retired)
Ebonite Big Time Pearl
I used to bowl Candlepin, but I have found Tenpin, and will Candlepin no more.
** A Sinner Can Reform, But Stupid is Forever.**