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Author Topic: Substitutes and Prebowling  (Read 4526 times)

BoyToys Toy

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Substitutes and Prebowling
« on: September 29, 2004, 05:35:03 AM »
Myself and some of the other officers/members of the league are getting aggravated at the antics of one of our fellow members.  We are 6 weeks into league play as of tonight.  This member has been physically present one week of bowling, has prebowled for 2 weeks and has had a sub for one week.  This week she has again gotten a sub, however, this time the sub has prebowled.  Has anyone ever heard of this happening?  Is prebowling even allowed for subs?  We have all thought the whole idea of substitutes was to have someone present in your place on the night you bowl in the event that you could not make it.  Can anyone help me out on this please ?   If there is a rule somewhere that does state that subs cannot prebowl, could you kindly point me in that direction ?



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Re: Substitutes and Prebowling
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2004, 03:25:10 PM »
The league allows individual prebowling?  In our area the only leagues that allow individual prebowling are the junior leagues.  All adult leagues require the team to prebowl together.  Even in the junior leagues I never heard of a sub prebowling.

With the team prebowling together, we have used a sub when one member of the team could not make it to the prebowl.  I would doubt there is an official rule about the use of a subs prebowled score, but it doesn't make sense to me.   It sounds like there are some issues that a league meeting needs to work out.
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Re: Substitutes and Prebowling
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 12:54:18 AM »
I agree with ThongPrincess- I would suggest a captain's meeting regarding this issue and seeing what the other teams think. If you don't have a rule in there regarding subs and when they can bowl/ can't bowl, you need a specific rule in place. Most of the leagues around here will allow for 1 or 2 makeups if there is some reason you can't get together a legal lineup, but both teams have to agree to the makeup and it has to be done within 7 days of the scheduled week you are to bowl against each other. Pre bowling is not allowed in the adult leagues around here, and if you can't get a sub, you usually will lose either 10% of your average per game, or 20 pins a game...



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Re: Substitutes and Prebowling
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 06:45:17 PM »
Doc--I am very surprised by this, although I am not doubt-
ing your word.  I have never bowled in a league that allowed
this.  I don't think that this is right unless in a singles

Why not let them do it? The ABC awarded Jeff Campbell for his pre-bowled 900.
He bowled by himself.
I protested the fact to Roger Dalkin.

Mr. Dalkin said it was legal in this email to meby him:

The 900 series by Mr. Campbell was bowled in accordance with current
ABC rules and accepted league rules governing prebowling.  The issue of
prebowling and bowling unopposed has been addressed and changed by our
delegates on a few occasions.  However, the current rule of record
applies to this series.

Similarly, Glenn Allison's 900 series, while bowled in league session,
was bowled on a condition that was in violation of the existing ABC
rules at that time.  I personally know Mr. Allison and while he did not
agree with the decision made back when he bowled his 900, he
acknowledges and accepts the ruling as well as the need for ABC to
administer the rules in a fair and equitable manner.

Please remember rules change, as voted on by the ABC delegates, but our
responsibility as administrators of the rules is to apply the rules of
record, at the time of an event, in a fair and equitable manner.  This
was done it the case of both 900s.

If you have any further questions or comments, please contact me.


Roger Dalkin
ABC Executive Director"

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Re: Substitutes and Prebowling
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2004, 08:18:34 PM »
This league is a doubles league that myself and daboytoystoy bowls on. It is only a fun league and theres only 20 people that bowl on it. Four of the people that bows on it work rotating shifts so they can only bowl every two weeks. We as a league have allowed prebowling to the league since about half the league has to work every other week.

The lady that did this has a 141 ave. The person she got to sub usually ave 220+. He set his ave at 245. How fair is this to the other members of the league?

It's not. After I got to the center last night, the scores from this person were thrown out. The center manager subbed in her place. He is around 230. I do not have a problem with anyone subbing for anyone else.

I have never heard of s sub pre bowling is all.

I did check the ABC rule book and I couldn't find anything on this.


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