So I've been thinking about putting a flare-increaser in my Game Changer, but have been too busy procrastinating to actually do it. I decided to go ahead and use it as it was for one more week of league. After getting lined up in practice, the first shot of competition doesn't read the break quite right, and I leave a blower 7-10. Second frame, a bit too much push, late 10.
Between frames, I go to the pro shop and ask whether it's legal to add a weight hole to a ball during competition. The pro shop guy didn't know; we both knew that surface adjustments were illegal during competition, but he'd never had to deal with dynamic adjustments. We both thought better of it and left the ball alone. It must have heard me, though, because it then started behaving, and I threw the back 10.
So I guess your balls really *do* listen to you sometimes.