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Author Topic: Suggestions...  (Read 627 times)

Matt Fortney

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« on: August 05, 2008, 06:44:39 AM »
Looking to get some suggestions for a buddy of mine. Being that I've thrown Hammer exclusively for a while, I'm lacking a little to say the least when it comes to Brunswick equipment. He currently throws a Twisted Fury and an Ultra Zone. The twisted is overall pretty straight, small arcing motion on the back. The Ultra moves quite a bit. It's fairly skid-snappy and outhooks the TF by quite a bit. He's a stroker to maybe a low tweener. He's looking for something arcy with a good kick on the back to fit overall right in between the two.

Dont have to be Brunswick suggestions, any are welcome. Thanks.

Hammer Pride Staff

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Re: Suggestions...
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 04:26:17 PM »
I'd have to suggest the Sidewinder for that description.  I would have suggested the Smash Zone since I believe it goes between them in terms of hook but the movement isn't really an arc with a kick.  So I think the Sidewinder is the best thing for that spot, at least in Brunswick's line.  It's hard for me to say a ball from another company unless that Twisted is drilled not so strong.  Then I could suggest the Momentum.
The Arsenal:

Counter Strike
Twisted Fury