I say yes. The BTM article that showed how little carrydown there is these days compared to the effects of oil depletion in the track area was really eye-opening. I think what we have in most cases is that the ball has already flipped over to the roll axis by the time it gets to the breakpoint due to the track itself being dry. Many people can't see this because they can't pick up the ball roll in their field of vision that quickly.
It's easy enough to test. Next time you have what you think is carrydown, pull out a much weaker-surface ball and throw the same line and see what it tells you is happening.
The only time I see carrydown anymore is if I'm bowling against a team of plastic-throwers and/or I follow a birthday party. And even then, these oil soakers we're throwing today will soak up oil in the carrydown zone just like they will the track area.