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Author Topic: Are people confusing carrydown with track oil depletion?  (Read 3004 times)


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Are people confusing carrydown with track oil depletion?
« on: November 22, 2009, 10:28:06 AM »
I say yes. The BTM article that showed how little carrydown there is these days compared to the effects of oil depletion in the track area was really eye-opening. I think what we have in most cases is that the ball has already flipped over to the roll axis by the time it gets to the breakpoint due to the track itself being dry. Many people can't see this because they can't pick up the ball roll in their field of vision that quickly.

It's easy enough to test. Next time you have what you think is carrydown, pull out a much weaker-surface ball and throw the same line and see what it tells you is happening.

The only time I see carrydown anymore is if I'm bowling against a team of plastic-throwers and/or I follow a birthday party. And even then, these oil soakers we're throwing today will soak up oil in the carrydown zone just like they will the track area.




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Re: Are people confusing carrydown with track oil depletion?
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2009, 09:20:44 PM »
The house that I bowl in a mixed league in has 2 shifts of youth bowlers(90% of which are throwing plastic) before it and they do not strip for us,they just reoil the heads. This house has 20+ years old synthetics (very high friction). I bowl in this house also in mens 5 man and it hooks, usually start left of the track and im playing fifth arrow by the last game. On our mixed league I am shocked if I get left of 15 by the third game.


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Re: Are people confusing carrydown with track oil depletion?
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2009, 12:54:08 AM »

Would have paid money to see that. Been thru it so I know the look on their faces must have been priceless! (Not funny, but oh, so funny!)
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Funniest thing about that is that the first guy gets up, washes out. So they call for the second ticket winner (if the first guy strikes, the promotion is over). The second guy, of course, hasn't been down there watching the reaction, so he goes down there expecting to see a "normal" lane. That would have been me, as I was Winner No. 2.

First guy looks at me and says, "move right" just before I go up there. I did move right, and still washed out. So guy No. 3 comes down there and I tell him, "move right." He doesn't, and leaves the 1-2-4.

As he left the lane, I heard him tell guy No. 4, "move right." I don't know whether he did or not, but I do know he left the 1-2-7-10. We had a nice carryover of the pot money to the next week, at least.
