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Author Topic: Tired of a-holes screwing up threads they aren't intelligent enough to respond to!  (Read 800 times)


  • Hero Member
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  • Former good bowler, now 3 games a week house hack.
Cool rockin daddy, this is for you and you alone. I started a thread about lane conditions in the modern era, asking if oil depletion was as common a problem and as wide ranging a problem for others as it is for me.

 I asked if anyone, anywhere had found an oil, or oiling technique, that would allow the shot to remain stable for a full three game set.

 I made mention that it used to be able to do this before resin equipment and that I wished it was still that way.

 You then came into the thread, insulting me and making accusations that you have no knowledge of and could not prove. rather than let it continue, I locked the thread, JUST AS I HAVE LOCKED THIS ONE!

 Let it be known, I will not be drawn into such conversations again. You, and all like you with small opinions, will be ignored.
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein

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