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Author Topic: Summer league perk!  (Read 892 times)


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Summer league perk!
« on: March 28, 2004, 04:34:21 PM »
Hello everyone, I'm very new to bowling and I plan on posting a profile in the near future (when I have something to post).  My buddies recently coerced me into joining their league, and shortly after it started, I got totally hooked!  I'm really interested in improving my game and I noticed that our local house has an 11 week two-man summer league.  The total charge is $88.00, BUT they give you a new $65.00 (retail) plastic ball as a perk!  Is this type of thing normal?  If so, then what types of perks or incentives have you been awarded?


Magic Carpet

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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2004, 09:31:36 AM »
Welcome to our great sport!
"Get a ball" leagues are quite normal and a good idea I think. (The pro shop may not think so...having to drill all the balls)Ask if you can pay the difference and trade up to a reactive ball instead of a plastic ball. You won't be sorry.
Bowl great and have fun!

Ron Clifton


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2004, 09:41:48 AM »
This is pretty common -- I'm in a league with my son where for $10.50, you get to bowl.  For $13.50, you get a $50 gift certificate to Toys 'R Us.  You get a Cartoon Network Viz-A-Ball for $15.95 a week and, for $16.95 a week you get a NASCAR (Nextel Cup I guess...) jacket.  You can find the plastics online for $40 or so and you can't beat the experience you get bowling over the summer -- you'll be ahead of the game come fall!!


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 02:00:34 PM »
Ron and Nollster,
Thanks for the welcome.  I'm really excited about learning proper technique.  I've already taken a few lessons and have improved dramatically (much to the delight of my teammates).  I'm currently using a Neo-Tac, and I also have a Danger Zone HPD.  With regard to applying the $65 to an upgrade; yep, I can.  Even without the ball incentive, I plan on bowling quite a bit this summer.  I just figure the only and best way for improvement will come from more lane time coupled with a coach.  I can count the times I've been in a bowling alley and not even use all of my fingers and toes.  My current league average is about a 143, and my highest league game is a 181.  By summers end my goal is to have a 175 average.


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2004, 02:27:52 PM »
May I call you Buzz? Thanks for the advise.  That's exactly what my instructor said.  Since you guys have forgotten more about bowling than I'll ever know, I'll take you up on your suggestion.


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2004, 04:41:22 PM »
there are a lot of buzzes on here! better off to call
him only! Good luck on the summer league! Keep the plastic
ball. you will wish you did if you don't.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2004, 05:03:59 PM »
greggo, Welcome  !!!  

 Last year I bowled in a summer league, during the season the center had these slips of paper to fill out each week. At the end of the summer season they had what they called a Carnival for all that bowled in the summer league { had to bowl in at least 3/4 of season}, and it was FREE, the Carnival.

At this "Carnival" there was a no cost 9 pin No Tap Tourney for us, with free Pizza and Soda, the top three winners got to get in a "Money Machine" {a booth enclosed}with money blowing around inside. 1st. place had 30 seconds, 2nd. had 15 sec. and 3rd. had 10 sec.

 They also had drawings {the slips that were filled out} for gift certificates for various Restaurants in the area, 2 new gas grills a couple of bowling balls and the Grand Prize was a 52" Big Screen TV.

 Guess what I got lucky and they drew my name for the TV !!!!!!!

 The center was Super Bowl, in Peru, Il.

Edited on 3/29/2004 6:03 PM


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Re: Summer league perk!
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2004, 06:21:50 PM »
That sounds like some major fun!  All that and a TV too.  A BIG TV!