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Author Topic: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.  (Read 1740 times)


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HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« on: December 07, 2004, 02:40:14 PM »
Let's rewind about a year.

My average was ~210, Had just posted my first 300, as well as ~5 games above 250.  That was the first 13 weeks of the season.  Finished the season in april '04 with a 208 average.

Back to this year:  After week 12 I believe it just was, I'm averaging a stellar 191, and i MIGHT have 10 200's in 12 weeks.  My highest series was a 640, I think i've only shot 4 600's all year.

I'm not sure what's happened to my game.  Not sure if it's just the league mentality that's gotten to me, or trying to overanalyze my game...or being too impatient.  The ball actually has more reaction than it did last year, which I know is also probably causing more erratic ball behavior.
I've tried everything.  Moved up no the approach (can't move back), faster feet, slower feet, ball speed, tucking the pinky, every different line one can think of...can NOT shoot a good score.  I was throwing the ball what I thought was "well", and only shot 560 this week!!  

I'm still making spares, leaving about as many splits...but I'm just not throwing strikes the way I used to.  I don't get it.  It's taken a LOT of enjoyment out of the game being 17 pins lower on average.

I'm lost.  ANY ideas?  anyone been there, and come out of it??

I seriously feel like Chuck Knoblauch.
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.



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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 10:51:34 PM »
i'm right there with you i'm 17 and was averging a nice 204 at the end of summer and this year stuck at 179 i have shot one 600 all season and i had at least 5 260 last summer and this fall i have a high game of 243 i to have tried everything i cant explain it either i'm going to try for a little bit of luck keeping my 700 medal from summer in my pocket to remind me of what i did in the syummer


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2004, 10:54:19 PM »
I had the same problem about a month ago on my Monday Night league.  Couldn't hit anything, was probably averaging around 190 and avg. 210 last year in the same league.  On Thursday's in the same house, I'm avg 218.  I wasn't doing anything different the problem was all in my head.  I just wasn't having fun anymore.  Past three weeks in league shot 704, 660, and 749 with a 300 last night.  I say just relax and try to have fun.  Don't put to much pressure on yourself.  Hope this helps.

Steve K
McKendree College Bowling Team


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2004, 11:13:41 PM »
Start drinking a lot, some nights are more fun drunk.  I shot my 299 on a night when I already had about 6 beers in 2 hours.  Oh yeah, and have fun.
Bowling is more fun when you only have to throw 1 ball..
........F*#k the 10 pin!!!!!!

Edited on 12/8/2004 0:05 AM


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 11:16:55 PM »
Wait till you get a few good weeks... I contemplated quitting after i shot a few mid 5's about a month ago (obviously didn't probably wasn't real serious), and then all of the sudden, got out of the funk a few weeks ago. Just wait it out, or take some time off, find a sub to take over for a week and see what happens.


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 11:20:02 PM »
Yur preaching to the choir; trust me when I say to just totally free up that armswing, relax, and quit trying so damn hard. Let it work ... don't try and make it work. Personally speaking, the less involved that I am in my armswing and flollowthrough/release, the better my ball reaction and entry angle.

Hope that this helps somehow ... I try to share experiences and not give advice.

Robb in 1000 Oaks
**** Official "L/LM" ball "junkie" ****
 "Master the Lanes with Legendary hitting power" !!!

Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
LAYBZZ74@AOL.COM (Email addy)


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2004, 07:55:14 AM »
I feel like an expert on this subject...

I'm 29 now and averaged 220 or so for most of my adult life.  About 2.5 years ago, I strained my left quad at work and could barely walk for a year.  Until around 6 months ago, it still hurt quite regularly.  Now it only hurts a little bit once in a while.

2 years ago I averaged 203, and least season I averaged 187 in one league.  Prior to the injury, I loved bowling in tournaments and bowled pretty well in most of them.  I actually had the best season of my life the year before as I had a lot of success in tournaments.  You can imagine how hard these last 2 seaons have been.  The mental anguish is hard to relate to unless you've been there.  And it wasn't about ego for me.  It was just a bitter pill to swallow knowing that I could no longer bowl the way I once did!

This year, through many changes to my game, I am almost back to bowling as good as I did before.  I'm averaging 213 and 220 in one house, and only 205 in another.  The low average house is just a tough match up for me, and it is really frustrating me right now.

With all that said, there are a couple possibilities for you.  It is possible that you are bowling just as good as you did last season, but something changed either in your grip, the bowling center (different pattern, etc.), or some other outside force.  Perhaps the shot just matched up better for you last season.

Or, you truly are in a slump and doing something wrong.  I find the one thing that consistently brings me out of a slump is another person.  Whether you have to pay a coach to help you, videotape yourself to make yourself the other person, or simply ask a friend to watch you and see what you might be doing wrong, you need a way to see yourself bowl either through the eyes of another person or a video camera.

If I can get through these last 2 years without quitting, then you can get through this.  You may not believe it now, but it truly will make you a better person if you can battle through this and figure it out.  I have a much better appreciation for the decent ability I've been blessed with and enjoy being competitive.  I honestly thought I'd never be competitive again, but here I am!

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2004, 12:19:23 AM »
Bowl long enough and it happens to all of us. I have actually been in a two year slump and have tried all sorts of stuff. That I truly believe is a big part of the problem. I am certified by YABA and Team USA as a coach and know all about how you a supposed to do this and that. All that junk goes through my mind way too often and especially under pressure. When I had no idea what to do, just executed, I was smooth. Often got the comments about being video'd to show people how to roll the ball or how do you get that amount of rotation with such a smooth release. Now I do about everything wrong, inconsistent and accuracy has suffered. I have moments that I get in the zone, but they come out of the blue. I think most everbody here has issued some of the best advice that you can get. Don't overthink and have fun. If you made some major change like equipment, go back to a ball you are really comfortable with to start. You have your "A" game, find a ball or a house you can use that game and relax and build your confidence back up. If you did what you did last year, it is still in there, just get out of the way and let it happen.


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Re: HELP. I'm about to QUIT bowling. I'm serious.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2004, 10:49:54 PM »
NBC, I am with you bud.  I finished last season with a high average 215.  I am not averaging about 200 in either league this year.  On the other hand, my tournament average is....214.  

I have a total mental block during league.  I find myself thinking about something other than bowling, while I am bowling.  My concentration sucks and basically I don't care how I bowl as long as the team is winning.

My Thursday mixed league changed the pattern so drastically, that I went from throwing dull resin to almost plastic.  I have to move deep with my PG to have any chance and I really don't look forward to fighting the condition every Thursday.  

Maybe I will stop bowling league and just show up to drink in the least it will be enjoyable.
