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Author Topic: Super Carbide vs. Crimson Ex hit & carry mini review  (Read 1158 times)


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Super Carbide vs. Crimson Ex hit & carry mini review
« on: August 15, 2003, 05:00:22 PM »
Well, after a few week layoff I finally took out the SC again.  I put it in the shop to be redone because I definitely HATED the reaction I got from it.  With it's 4.5" pin out distance and 3.5+oz of top weight and a 1:30 label drill, it basically gave me a hockey stick reaction on heavy oil.  That reaction also gave me more over under than you can shake a stick at too.  So I got it back, redrilled at 5x3 and tried it out on a fairly well oiled wood house.

My Crimson Ex is drilled 5x4 and with it's early rolling core I can use it on almost anything.

Keep in mind I'm 5'5" and 140lbs, I don't generate alot of momemtum due to my size, so I don't really have very many "powerful" strikes.

Now I know that the Super Carbide and Crimson Ex are two different balls, but I figured I'd compare and contrast these two hits and carries.

Once I got to the lanes I tossed the Crimson a few frames and it wouldn't budge 1 board, so back in the bag it went.  Too much oil and it was long down the lane.....But for all you die hard or would be Saw's something truly impressive.

Super Carbide:  95% of all my hits are above average in terms of sound,
                power,and movement but the one thing that really caught my eye
                after a few week layoff was the PIN ACTION this ball generates.
                For such a person small like myself, I had tomahawk messengers
                cutting single pin wood up everywhere.  I couldn't quite get
                those messengers over to the ten pin though, it was all or
                nothing.  The carry is above average also but this ball will
                leave flat tens all night if you don't adjust accordingly.  For
                the most part when I struck the pins were pushed straight back
                into the pit and against the curtain.

Crimson Ex:  ALL of my strikes with this ball are EXTREMELY powerful, pocket,
             light, or high.  This ball tosses sticks around like rag dolls
             throwing the wood left and right.  That power is actually the down
             fall of this ball at the same time.  I generate ZERO messengers
             with the Crimson because all the wood is launched up in the air and
             other places than where they need to be.  It is also easier to
             leave single pin leaves because the core is so strong.  The carry
             of my Crimson is second to not alot of equipment, which I RARELY
             leave backrow enemies.

Overall looking at both pieces I am excited by the action generated by the Super Carbide, and now understand why Saw Heads act the way they do using this equipment.  While I will not jump to an all Saw arsenal because of my style, I will look to them for earlier rolling equipment when needed on heavier oil.

I do love my Crimson, but so far only Lane 1 has generated that much pin action and offense for me, and I have used quite a few other companies equipment.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

Edited on 8/16/2003 8:11 AM
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>



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Re: Super Carbide vs. Crimson Ex hit & carry mini review
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2003, 10:51:39 AM »
Super Carbide is my favorite ball and I have 4 of them, had 5 but sent one to Clutch.  I threw the Charcoal but not the Crimson so I can't make the same comparision, but the Charcoal hit the pits extremely hard.  I found with the Super Carbide that something with the pin between 3 3/8 and 4 and the cg kicked right, not stacked, (right handed bowler) that the Super Carbide works better and is much more consistent.  I'm going to St Louis with the Super Carbide, Black Cherry and the Cherry Bomb.  I believe this is a great three ball arsenal plus a plastic spare ball.  I wish I could take more, but flying restrictions kill you.

Good article and Pin_Krusher makes very good points about both balls even though its like comparing apples and oranges.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Super Carbide vs. Crimson Ex hit & carry mini review
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2003, 11:15:19 AM »
Thank you Nicanor,

At first I was completely upset with my Super Carbide, even to the point where I hated it and wanted it gone.  Once it came back from the shop drilled the right way........CG kicked out to the right..........the ball is soooo much more controllable and consistent.

What I love the most about this ball was actually what I hated the most about it too.  With the 5X3 drill pattern on it, the heavy top weight and long pin out still have an effect on my ball, but it is for the better now.  If I roll the ball that's all it will do, it will roll across the lane super smooth.  I can also hit it and it will roll, but FLARE like hell off the dry.  It's backend is so much larger than it was before, and I actually seen the flare rings around the whole ball like everyone says.

It was my mistake originally not researching how to drill the Diamond effectively, and I think I may actually purchase another SC and put the same drill pattern on it because I like this one so much.  I may even go with a larger axis hole for more roll and less backend, but I am completely surprised and satisfied to say the least with this piece.

I am also getting a Charcoal Ex soon, so I will compare these two as well.  I have heard that the Charoal rolls heavy and even sooner than the Crimson.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>