Our city tournament is going off of 85% of 220. There were only 3 bowlers who got zero handicap. In singles, one of the better bowlers in town bowled well and shot 729 scratch. But he was a little down last year and booked a 208 average. With his handicap, he had a 759. One of the young bowlers shot 744 scratch but had subbed in a league where he had over 21 games and the 10 pin rule got him so he had zero sticks. Another bowler who is hot and cold shot 750 scratch but he gets to shoot off of 188 so he ended up with 835.
Team winners were almost at 3500 and doubles was 1490.
When I asked the board why they go off of 85% of 220 they say that they are afraid that the numbers would decline. I asked them if entries were up and they said "No, but they didn't go down". I don't think that the entries would go down if it was 75 or 80% of 210.
Shouldn't working on you game mean something? Shouldn't the one who bowls the best get the reward? Where is the incentive to get better if you can average 175 and get "hot" and win the tournament?
I played Tennis and don't remember getting any points or games from the guys who were better players then me. If I wanted to beat them I had to practice harder on my game to get to their level. This isn't the case in bowling. Who started this crap?
I drive 4 hours to Dallas to compete against some of the best in the country. CJ, DJ Archer, Wes Mallot, Chris Barnes, Rick Lawerence, Mike Scroggins, Paul Fleming, Dino Castilo, and I could go on and on. I bowl scratch against those guys and it doesn't bother me to lose to them nor do I feel like they should give me sticks. If I want to win, I need to work harder and get better.
It's not easy walking in every handicap tourament and seeing 830's.
I know you'll say, " well, don't bowl them". Shouldn't I reply "Well, get better!". I only bowl about 3 handicap tournaments a year. We don't have much in the way of scratch stuff unless you go to Dallas.
I don't mind giving "some" handicap. I understand you need it to get the numbers. But what is really fair?
I can't help it, Hot Chicks Dig the Hose