AN inverted track is a result of how you release the ball, obviously. Your thumb is probably on the 1:00 side of the clock face, if you're a righty, when it exits the ball, and I'd guess your axis tilt is low.
There is nothing unusual about an inverted track; I have one, depending on how I release the ball. I think it was Tom Kouros, a very respected coach and bowling writer, who said something like if you are a cranker, this is actually the preferred track. No matter.
An inverted track has a PAP locaiton just like every other bowler. Make sure your driller locates it and drills your balls accordingly. This nonsense that everyone seems to keep spouting about my pin is located here and here with respect to the ring finger or the thumb is a lot of misleading information, unless you know where his or her PAP is. The pin and CG/MB should be located always with respect to the PAP, NOT the holes.
If you are averaging 220+, that is ample evidence that you are doing more than somehting right. If I were you, I would take my best reacting balls and have this new guy figure what is the pin and CG positions with repsect to your true PAP and keep that info as a reference point.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."