Let me know,
I think one of the. Best options is zero gravity storm...?
What do you think?
And so far I like this angle 55x4.3/8x45
Ok, I will be more specific about how is the condition down here:
Not good clean Lane. They use authority 22 Brunswick machine.
It had reaction in the backend, but it seems to feel a little dirty at the heads, so the ball don't get easy into the roll and that's why a lot of ten pin.
Yesterday a play with the Marvel S at 500 abralon (by hand) finish. 6.games = 1.298 (15 ten pin) I play with this ball 4 and half games then I change to my iQ tour pearl (1000 abralon finish)
Game zone over the 5 board to exit eye 3 board, in other words... Straight and Hook.
My style:
450rpm, 19mph speed, tilt 17, 65 axis.
I try the sync, doesn't work for me.
I try the nexus f+p (the first one) works but I ritired that ball.
And now I wast thinking in the gravity zero, but I'm not sure.