Hey guys.
Just started bowling on the sport patterns. Right now long patterns scorpion 47 ft and mark Roth 46 ft on pro anvil lanes.
I'm fairly low rev 275 to 300, 15 to 16 mph and mostly forward roll. Though frustrating, I like the long patterns cause they expose my mistakes, especially on the release, I tend to top the ball and miss right.
My ball barely hooks on the long patterns. And today on scorpion, my jackal le pretty much went straight. I have no room for error, all my misses right leave the fence or washouts. My misses left leave 3-6-10 type leaves.
Most of the people around are suggesting to use surface, either 500 or 1000 grit. My ball wont hook anymore than normal. But I'm hoping if it picks up sooner. Some of my misses right might recover enough to hit the head pin and leave a makeable spare?
Thanks for any feedback.