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Author Topic: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)  (Read 1164 times)

Not done

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Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« on: April 14, 2004, 01:12:43 AM »
I just wanted to know what you people think is the most difficult split to make.

for me, it was the 2-8-10, because Im a righty and I come in too low sometimes. I have made almost every split I have ever left at some time or another..... it just seems that the 2-8-10 seemed to be hardest because I just couldn't get the correct angle on it...
Easy slider...



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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2004, 04:18:20 PM »
7-10 or the 5-7-10
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS! I'd rather blow it over with my storm, and 21mph ball speed on dry shots.


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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2004, 04:46:37 PM »
I made the 2-8-10 once. I hit the 2 light on the left side(i'm a righty) it came across bounced off the right wall knicked the 10 pin and slid into the 8. I was pretty damn excited. Too bad it was only practice. Personally I hate the 2-4-7-9-10. I get this a lot and haven't made it yet most I take out is 4. Its a tough one for me. I'd actually rather shoot a ten pin, Which I might add is my arch nemisis.
All hail the almighty SillyBillyBob


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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2004, 04:53:14 PM »
Also the "Big 4" and the one I call the "Big 3" wich is the same as a big 4 just without a 4 or 6 pin. I MADE THAT ONCE!
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS! I'd rather blow it over with my storm, and 21mph ball speed on dry shots.


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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2004, 07:00:22 PM »
Like Not Done said, the 2-8-10 is a very tough one for a rightie.  I personally have not made that one yet.  Also I have not made the big 4 or 7-10, but have on several occasions made the 4-7-10.  The most memorable was when I shot my high series of 692 and it was the 1st ball in the 10th on the last game.
Why do they put velcro on the bottom of the Ten Pins?


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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 12:10:26 AM »
the big three that your talking about isnt tough bk. the big three missin the 7 or 10 is much much much much tougher. i picked up the 2-8-10 once by coming in light off on the 2, ball driving through to the 8, 2 pin coming off the left wall, ricocheying off my ball into the 10 pin.


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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2004, 10:21:49 AM »
I think the 4-6 has to be the most difficult split.  At least with the 7-10, you get the pit and sidewalls to bounce stuff off of.  However, with the 4-6 its too far forward from the walls, and you basically have to get a monster rebound, or hope to God you can clip the pin just enough to slide it straight across.  Any angle whatsoever and you miss
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
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Re: Survey: Hardest conversion (splits)
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2004, 10:27:05 AM »
Gonna go with the 7-10 on this.  I've made the 4-6's possible to slide the 4 into the 6 or vice versa.  2-8-10...definitely not as difficult as the 7-10.  Sliding the 7 into the 10 or vice versa is basically impossible and requires the lucky bounce from the pit or off a wall.  Only splits I haven't converted yet are the big 4 and the 7-10.  Even made that crappy greek church.