1. How close do you track to your middle finger and thumb.
Usually within a half inch of both.
2. What Layouts have you had success with?
All different kinds of layouts from pin-on-pap to pin-on-track, the 315 degree drill to the CG-on-pap, pin 4 inches above the fingers (on a six-inch pin-out ball) to pin under the fingers. I'm a tournament bowler; I do not have a favorite layout, but simply try to match the ball to the lane.
3. Which Layouts gave you nightmares?
When used for the right conditions, none.
4. Have you had success with pin-under bridge or pin-under ring finger drillings.
5. Which layouts have thumped over your fingers?
One 5x4 with the pin just under the ring finger and one with pin-on-track abive the fingers with the CG just under the fingers. Others with pins tucked just under the ring finger were fine until I shortened my span by 1/4 inch (moving thumb in)
6. Have you had success/failures with 0-1 inch or 1-2 inch pins?
Yes. Especially with the 315 degree layout on weak stuff and layouts with the pin at 4inchs and the CG on the imaginary line from the pin to the PAP.
7. What is your PAP?
Six inches over, 1/2 inch up.
8. What type of player are you? (Stroker, Spinner, Cranker, Tweener, Power Tweener, etc.)
Tweener - don't let the profile fool you. With help from some great coaches, I've increased both speed and revs since my last CATS evaluation almost a year ago.
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")
Edited on 2/17/2005 3:48 PM