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Author Topic: too early to "Go Pro"??  (Read 2642 times)


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too early to "Go Pro"??
« on: April 27, 2004, 07:52:37 AM »
Well, as per PBA requirements, I've met the requisites to apply for a pro card, being averaging 200+ for the past 2 seasons.  I averaged 204 last year, 33 weeks, and 208 this year, 33 weeks.  
By my own standards, that's a little on the low side.  However, I don't consider myself to be a "house bowler" (tenpin2002 can verify that). That 20x average is pretty much anywhere I go, but I do tend to have favorite shots (release on 20 swing to 5-10).  

Something else to consider, The last 12 weeks of the season I averaged just a tad over 220.  Brought my average from 202 to 208 doing that.  Posted my first 300 this year as well, as well as 4 700's, and 4 or 5 series 680+.

I think I'd need another year before I'd consider actually going on the regional tour, or even tour trials, but that PBA card looks darn good seein as I could bowl several places in the cincinnati area for a buck a game




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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2004, 11:52:08 AM »
oh...and since it cannot be stated often enough when it comes to that caliber of event...SPARES ARE A MUST.  They will at least keep you close to even if you start out struggling to carry or get to the pocket.  Unlike league, you cannot count on finding a double or three bagger to make up for the blown spare...and the spare shooting is what will get you a check or send you home after 8 or 9 games).

Oh yeah...scotch-brite is going to become your new best friend if you bowl at that level.  Learn to adjust coverstocks.


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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2004, 12:05:38 PM »
Average is an indicator and rather generic in today's scoring enviroment. I know a plethora of guys that average 235+, that is a staggering number. But you are right its an indicator. An indicator that those guys are virtually unbeatable in their home center. It simply comes down to one thing, you just know who is good and who isnt. IMO. Regardless of average.
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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2004, 04:08:26 PM »
If the ONLY reason you're thinking of joining is the cheap practice, you might want to think again. With the initiation fee and monthly dues, the PBA card isn't cheap...
ONe more thing to add.
The minimum average level for a PWBA regional member was 180.
That doesn't mean that a member at 180 would be competitive.
I think the same thing is true with the guys. A lot of tournament organizations will set their minimum requirements MUCH lower than what is required to win. That way they can increase their membership (read dues), and increase tournament participation (read donators).

I know that if you have a 204 average on a house shot (easy or difficult, but still NOT a PBA level or sport shot), I know a ton of guys who will eat you for lunch - but they're not good enough to compete with the PBA guys on a regular basis.  And - averaging 220 for less than 3 months doesn't mean much.  Dave Husted bowls in my Wednesday night league. His season average is somewhere between 240-250 on a house shot. That means that he has to shoot AT LEAST 720 just to shoot his AVERAGE... 8 or 9 series at 680 or above is pretty good (and a personal best is always an achievement), but just not good enough to play with the big guys.

Give yourself a couple more years, and set your goals a bit higher (225 average, 10 or more 700s for the season, 95% on your single pin spares), and you'll be there.
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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2004, 07:11:33 PM »
I will argue that a 230+ average over a year on a THS is NO indicator of any potential success on the tour. The THS guides you balls to the pocket. No condition on tour does this. And even if you can split boards, the ability to strike when you need to is still the key. And that cant be taught without experience... and getting that experienc on tour is going to cost you allot more than learning this at the local or national amature levels. Remember that the National ABC High Average was set by Mike Scroggins at 262 for a year before he competed full time on tour. I would say that when you get there, you stand a pretty good chance on tour.

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Rick Wunder

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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2004, 10:05:09 AM »
Just to set the record straight, Jeff Carter, also a PBA player, holds the ABC high average record at 261.  Scroggins held it prior to that with 258.


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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2004, 12:00:50 PM »
Side note, Lee Vanderhoef subbed in a league I subbed at was averaging 248 for 15 games.Kind of dwarfs my little 225. Granted its only 15 games but these guys are truly in a league of there own. They make house shots look stupid easy. Until you think you can reach this elite level I suggest you practice.
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Re: too early to "Go Pro"??
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2004, 08:49:36 PM »
thanks rick wonder for the correction. i did not mean to embellish, I just got it wrong.

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