Well, as per PBA requirements, I've met the requisites to apply for a pro card, being averaging 200+ for the past 2 seasons. I averaged 204 last year, 33 weeks, and 208 this year, 33 weeks.
By my own standards, that's a little on the low side. However, I don't consider myself to be a "house bowler" (tenpin2002 can verify that). That 20x average is pretty much anywhere I go, but I do tend to have favorite shots (release on 20 swing to 5-10).
Something else to consider, The last 12 weeks of the season I averaged just a tad over 220. Brought my average from 202 to 208 doing that. Posted my first 300 this year as well, as well as 4 700's, and 4 or 5 series 680+.
I think I'd need another year before I'd consider actually going on the regional tour, or even tour trials, but that PBA card looks darn good seein as I could bowl several places in the cincinnati area for a buck a game
