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Author Topic: Number of Fingerholes requirement  (Read 2403 times)


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Number of Fingerholes requirement
« on: August 20, 2008, 07:06:51 AM »
I was just wondering cuz a buddy of mine said that it is legal to have four fingerholes in your ball, meaning all the normal three but one for the pinky. Is this legal? and if so, is there any limit to the number of fingerholes one may wish to use?
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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2008, 04:26:23 PM »
My dad's are drilled with all finger tips and inserts. It has to be legal because the USBC passes the balls each year at nationals.
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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2008, 05:12:47 PM »
Since I got bored arguing something that is a fact, I did the research...

Section 2. Drilling Specifications
a. Holes - The following limitations govern drilling holes in a bowling ball:
1. Holes or indentations, not to exceed five, for gripping purposes.
2. One hole for balance purposes, not to exceed 1-1/4 inch in diameter.
3. One (1) vent hole to each finger and/or thumb hole, not to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter.
4. One mill hole for inspection purposes, not to exceed 5/8 inch in diameter and 1/8 inch in depth.

AND...since the rule states that the holes are drilled for "gripping purpose," then OBVIOUSLY, if you drill a thumb hole (which would be for gripping purpose) and DON'T have your thumb in the hole, then you are violating Chapter 7 Section 2 Rule# A1.

Case closed!

Big Willy Style

PS...and by the way, if you drill a "weight hole" in the thumb area, to use at times, then you'd be violating Chapter 7 Section 2 Rule A2...since you'd then be using it for gripping purposes, and not for weight balancing...

PPS...edited for the link and spelling.....

Just my $0.02 so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!
Visionary Test Staff Member '08-'09

Edited on 8/20/2008 5:14 PM


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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2008, 06:18:58 AM »
It seems to me like some of the defining rules about finger holes and delivering the ball aren't in the rule book anymore. It used to say if you didn't use a gripping hole it had to be covered by your finger or palm. I couldn't find that rule in the 2008 rule book. I don't interpret the rules to mean if you have a gripping hole in the ball you have to use it. There are alot of no thumbers who have a thumb hole in their ball in order to put the layout they want on the ball and still keep the static weight legal.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2008, 10:45:20 AM »
Moon is correct. I should have an e-amil from the rules dept about gripping holes and the need to use them archived at home.  I'll look for it tonight.


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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2008, 10:53:09 AM »
It seems to me like some of the defining rules about finger holes and delivering the ball aren't in the rule book anymore. It used to say if you didn't use a gripping hole it had to be covered by your finger or palm. I couldn't find that rule in the 2008 rule book. I don't interpret the rules to mean if you have a gripping hole in the ball you have to use it. There are alot of no thumbers who have a thumb hole in their ball in order to put the layout they want on the ball and still keep the static weight legal.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.

This is exactly what I had been taught if you threw the ball without thumb in thunb hole that your palm had to cover the thumb hole, that it is illegal to have only 2 finger holes drilled in ball
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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2008, 12:34:55 PM »
What I have always been told by officials concerning no thumbing with a drilled thumbhole is that you can have it drilled along with an X hole AS LONG as the hole can be used as a thumbhole if desired. So you can't just drill one anywhere and call it a thumbhole. It has to be covered and useable. I have have balls drilled with X holes when I was a no thumber with no rules issues.


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Re: Number of Fingerholes requirement
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2008, 12:38:48 PM »
think your allowed 4 finger holes and only 1 weight hole and of course you thumb hole