The distinction between one side and another in any argument regarding raising children and marriage etc. is often broken very cleanly along lines of those that have been there and those that haven't.
Regarding child rearing those that don't have kids can be very judgemental. ie "My kid would never do that!". or "I'd never do that". "Or I'd stop that quick".
It is only once you are a parent about the second time before one realizes there is no perfect parent or child. The art of raising kids is one of accepting imperfect in the child and yourself demanding better of each.
As the wear of accumulated hours of disobedience or crying weighs on a parent or caregiver those that have done it know the frustrations that can overcome one!
Never is violence to the child to be tolerated but all extremely tired parents know the fact that only a prayer to their God can give them the patience to continue as God would have them do it!
A person on drugs, or without prayer or with lack of self control could easily lose their patience under these sometimes most trying of times! This is not to absolve or forgive. In fact I believe that our society cannot tolerate these people without this level of self control.
However I feel sorry for all!
As one poster above says a scenario where a kid falls hits their head, seems comatose and an unknowing party tries to "shake" a child awake is also a possibility. Though usually unlikely in this day an age but not unimaginable.
It is possible today for parents of today to really "look" bad.
For example I took my 2 1/2 year old to bowl today. Just me watching him!
Because they are so inquisitive one cannot take their eyes off them for a second. Hands attempting to reach in to the ball return to get balls.
Chasing after balls going to the gutter over the foul line etc.
Today while watching my son like a hawk, I'd now trained him to wait for the ball to come out of the ball return with no reaching in there(not easy). Now he walks up and I say fire about 20 shots go well! Now I go put his straw in his drink. He misfires onto adjoining lane and starts running after ball to retrieve from the gutter. Me behind yelling, "Wait wait wait, out over the foul line, slip, feet up, and luckily butt then head "SLAM" into the alley.
All of a sudden "Dad" looks like a poor caregiver. 2 seconds and a run and I almost caught him before the line!
For those who are not parents they see perfection in parenting as a possibility.
For us doing it we see the folly in perfection and know getting close is the best human possibility.
To put in a bowling analogy. Those that don't bowl could probably see endless 900s as a possibility.
We that bowl know that 650s are nice!