Counting plastic on spares, it's rare that I throw fewer than 3 on any league night.
We bowl on AMF HPLs. Our oil volume is lower than average to begin with, and whatever oil they're using breaks down quickly. On most nights, our shot changes significantly at least once and usually twice. And, our house doesn't have a drastic wall outside 5, so if you jump back to the right you have a different set of variables than typical THS.
There have been several nights where I have used one ball on one lane and another ball on another lane (until the first lane broke down to a point it equalized with the second).
I take 6 with me every night. I usually throw 3 (2 reactives and 1 plastic spare) over the course of a set and just as often 4. Rarely do I go beyond that unless I did it in practice trying to get lined up.