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Author Topic: Advice how to not choke?  (Read 1901 times)


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Advice how to not choke?
« on: March 11, 2009, 03:39:12 PM »
I've bowled for almost 6 years now and my avg. is 166.  I've only had one 600 series in my life, but I've had other chances to beat series this year.  This week I bowled 208, 229, and 134.  Any tips how to not think about the elusive 600?  Thanks.



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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2009, 02:31:36 PM »
Two words:  Get coaching.

After 6 years in the game, you should easily be averaging over 166 unless there's some issue with your physical game.  166 tells me that there is more than just some kind of mental thing going on that causes you to "choke".

I would not fully agree with you here. We don't know the full story. He maybe slowly working up, may not be that serious about it.
To the op don't worry so much about your score just really focus on execution of your shots. Take each frame as it comes up and do your best for that frame. It's easy to say to do this but hard to do, I still get caught up looking at my scores from time to time thinking I need 220 for 700 or something like that. Just focus on your next shot is the best thing to do.


What if he's like, 12? He's been bowling since he was 6.

There are exceptions. Just because most people probably average higher than 166 after 6 years doesn't mean that's the standard for everyone. I know after 6 years of bowling I was probably only averaging around 140, but my 6th year of bowling was at age 10-11. Now, in my 13th year of bowling, I'm averaging well over 200. A dramatic difference made by 1. maturity (both physical and general), and 2. The fact that I got serious about bowling 2-3 years ago. Many factors can have an effect on average.

As far as the OP goes, you can't worry about it. They have automatic scoring machines in most places, so be lazy and LET THE SCORE TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. It's the best thing you can do. Relax and let your frames become good shots rather than good frames. When you can throw a shot and say "That was a good shot" and feel accomplished, you've done the right thing. If you throw a shot and say "I'm glad that struck, I needed it" and feel relieved because you're closer to your goal, then, IMO, you're doing it wrong. You have to relax and realize that all you can do is on this side of the foul line. Throw a good shot and let the pins fall as they may. (BTW, Dean Hinitz' Focused For Bowling really helped me. You should check it out...that's where I got the feeling accomplished vs. feeling relieved analogy, and it's really helped with my spare shooting game.)
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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2009, 02:37:25 PM »
but I don't have the money for lessons like I did last year.

This seems to be the backdrop for many a discussion lately.


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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2009, 02:43:36 PM »
Others have said this in different ways.

You have to concentrate on the process not on the results and what they mean to you.

Follow the process and good results will often happen.

Someone once said to me you can’t strike out in the tenth on the first ball but so many seem to try and knock down 30 pins the first shot.

You have to get one strike at a time.  


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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2009, 11:07:51 PM »
I'll keep everyone's posts in mind and try to do those things.  I have practiced spare shooting in the past and only focused on the 10 pin, but not as much this year.  I feel pretty confident in knowing what I have to do to make a spare, but don't always feel comfortable with actually converting...esp. the 10 pin because a "break" my wrist and throw a reactive ball as a spare ball.  

As for the mental game, I'll take things one step at a time and focus on steps, hand position, and hitting my mark.  I'm kind of interested in rockerbowler18's advice to use self-talk and tell myself when i made a good shot or got lucky.

Oh, and to answer the question about my age, I am 24.  I bought my first ball 6 yrs. ago, but didn't join a league and bowl weekly until 3 yrs. back.  I feel like my avg. went up a lot last yr. (150-169), but this year it has been a bit up and down.  I'll blame it on the economy and starting a full-time job.  Thanks again for taking the time to put in your 2 cents.

Go Cubs!  Excited about Bradley, but I hope he never has to run in the outfield.  He might fall apart.


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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2009, 07:24:50 AM »
You have to focus on every shot individually, don't think of what each shot is going to do to your score.  Once you focus on each shot and not your total score, all your scores seem irrelevant.  Just focus on making great shots one at a time.


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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2009, 12:52:09 PM »
Here is something dorky, but it's what I do and I find that I score higher when I do it.  I bring a puzzle book, a magazine,or catalog.  When I'm done with my frame, I come back, talk to everyone and then go through them.  I find that when I sit and worry about what I did wrong on the last frame, I do worse on the next frame.  I don't read the books, I just look at the pictures.  Takes my mind off of everything.  Last night I shot a 165, 176 and 158 (average is a 140).

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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2009, 04:32:07 PM »
Loosen up that sphincter. Just let it flow.


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Re: Advice how to not choke?
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2009, 08:11:34 PM »
Reread my post.  It is the best advice you can get.