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Author Topic: Switching hands  (Read 13529 times)


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Switching hands
« on: October 07, 2016, 11:09:25 AM »
I looked in the USBC rule book and have done some searches online, but I am having trouble getting a definitive answer.  Prior to the league starting I had given thought to bowling left handed in a league, but decided against it and established an average with my right hand.  We are about 5 weeks into the season and now I am having second thoughts and would like to switch to left handed for the rest of the year.  Per the rule book, it talks about switching due to injury, but doesn't mention anything if you want to switch "just because."




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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2016, 09:28:26 PM »
I believe that you have to go to the league sec. and inform them that you are going to bowl with your other hand, and you will be required to establish a new ave. I think that you can have a left handed and a right handed ave. in the same league, but you cannot switch hands once the league session starts, and you have to let the league sec. know which hand you used that night. Not sure if you bowl tournaments if you can choose what hand you want to use, or if you must use the highest ave. that you have established, and use that hand for the tournament. My guess would be that it is like bowling in more than one league. You can't choose what ave. you want to use, you have to take the highest established. That is how it was several years ago, but can't find anything specific in the rules either.


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2016, 09:45:37 PM »
Once league has started you cannot switch hand unless it do to a injury to the hand you started with. An if there is a injury the league board of directors must vote to allow you to switch and you would set a new average with the new hand. An before you can switch back to the original hand the board of directors must approve that.  You cannot just switch hands back and forth.  If you are caught switching hands with out approval that game is subject to forfeiture.  This is all in the rule book.  An on the tournament subject it does not matter what hand you use you will use the highest average you have.

Pat Patterson

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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 08:01:44 PM »
I can switch hands and gain a stroke.
Pat Patterson


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 10:39:13 AM »
Once league has started you cannot switch hand unless it do to a injury to the hand you started with. An if there is a injury the league board of directors must vote to allow you to switch and you would set a new average with the new hand. An before you can switch back to the original hand the board of directors must approve that.  You cannot just switch hands back and forth.  If you are caught switching hands with out approval that game is subject to forfeiture.  This is all in the rule book.  An on the tournament subject it does not matter what hand you use you will use the highest average you have.

I understand I would need board approval if I wanted to switch back (left to right) and if I made the switch without board approval all the games would be forfeited.  Maybe I need to clarify something...I am not looking to switch hands weekly based on who we are bowling against, I am looking to make a switch for the entire season. 


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 11:23:22 AM »
Once league has started you cannot switch hand unless it do to a injury to the hand you started with. An if there is a injury the league board of directors must vote to allow you to switch and you would set a new average with the new hand. An before you can switch back to the original hand the board of directors must approve that.  You cannot just switch hands back and forth.  If you are caught switching hands with out approval that game is subject to forfeiture.  This is all in the rule book.  An on the tournament subject it does not matter what hand you use you will use the highest average you have.

I understand I would need board approval if I wanted to switch back (left to right) and if I made the switch without board approval all the games would be forfeited.  Maybe I need to clarify something...I am not looking to switch hands weekly based on who we are bowling against, I am looking to make a switch for the entire season. 

The rules basically say you cant do it unless your injured. Theres no rules regarding a bowler who just up and decides to switch hands just because they want too.

To find out for sure write the rules dept at and ask.

It will probably come down to just making the request to the board and see if they approve the switch.
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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2016, 12:55:24 PM »
Once league has started you cannot switch hand unless it do to a injury to the hand you started with. An if there is a injury the league board of directors must vote to allow you to switch and you would set a new average with the new hand. An before you can switch back to the original hand the board of directors must approve that.  You cannot just switch hands back and forth.  If you are caught switching hands with out approval that game is subject to forfeiture.  This is all in the rule book.  An on the tournament subject it does not matter what hand you use you will use the highest average you have.

I understand I would need board approval if I wanted to switch back (left to right) and if I made the switch without board approval all the games would be forfeited.  Maybe I need to clarify something...I am not looking to switch hands weekly based on who we are bowling against, I am looking to make a switch for the entire season. 

The rules basically say you cant do it unless your injured. Theres no rules regarding a bowler who just up and decides to switch hands just because they want too.

To find out for sure write the rules dept at and ask.

It will probably come down to just making the request to the board and see if they approve the switch.

I'd like to see that rule, not that I'm doubting it exists.
I was always under the impression that if you used the other hand, you are basically replacing one bowler with another. FredLefty is a different bowler from FredRighty. He has a completely different average and is used differently.

I'm surprised that one needs to be injured to change hands. Within one game or one keague session, I understand you're not allowed to change, but I don't understand the need to get special permission to do so UNLESS it is within one game or one league session; then it should be treated as if a sub were continuing to bowl for an injured person.

That said, I could have been laboring under a misapprehension.  I see no reason for all the hoop and hollering. Yes, it should be announced clearly and definitely what is happening to everyone concerned. Of course, all league by-laws have to be adhered to, but heck, some people will object just for the sake of objecting.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2016, 01:10:33 PM »
When I suffered an injury last season and had to switch hands, they had to have a meeting in all of the leagues I bowled in to get approval.  That was also the procedure in the past in my leagues when other bowlers had to switch due to injuries.  I was told if and when I decided I could bowl with my normal arm, I would have to go through the approval process again.
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 01:25:14 PM »
USBC rule:

118b.  How Established
Each league shall adopt a rule to determine the number of games required to establish an average in that league. The following applies when establishing an average:

1. A right-handed bowler must always bowl right-handed. Similarly, a left-handed bowler must always bowl left-handed.
Penalty: Forfeiture of game.

2. No combination of scores bowled both right- and left-handed can be used to compute an average, except as stipulated in Rule 4c.

3. The league’s board of directors may, by majority vote, adjust a player’s average before the player bowls in the league or during the season due to injury or disability. Separate averages must be maintained.

4.Adult Leagues:
 The league’s board of directors may, with two-thirds vote, adjust a player’s average
upward during the season. Separate averages must be maintained. The bowler must use the adjusted average or established league average (whichever is higher) for the remainder of the season.

118e. Establish New Average due to Change in Delivery
If because of injury or disability a bowler finds it necessary to change delivery from right- to left- handed or vice-versa, the league board of directors, by majority vote, may permit the bowler to change delivery. If approval is obtained, the bowler must establish a new average.

Commonly Asked Question – Rule 118e.
I hurt my bowling hand and was granted permission to use the other hand. Once my
bowling hand is better, what do I have to do before I can go back to using my regular
bowling  hand?
You must get permission from the board to return to the original hand you started the
league  with.
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2016, 03:04:33 PM »
but I don't understand the need to get special permission to do so UNLESS it is within one game or one league session; then it should be treated as if a sub were continuing to bowl for an injured person.

The special permission to change hands "is" for only if you want change within a league season.

At the start of the season you can use whichever hand you want, you don't need special permission then. you just have to stick with that hand once you started with it .

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Re: Switching hands
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 12:00:53 AM »

but I don't understand the need to get special permission to do so UNLESS it is within one game or one league session; then it should be treated as if a sub were continuing to bowl for an injured person.

I always believed so that bowlers couldn't try to manipulate results by switching hands.

on a house shot I will carry at minimum 210, likely over 215 average with my right hand.  lefty?  never thrown lefty, so I have doubts I could average 100 at the start.

so, consider that a bowler, fred establish an average in the first 7 games as FredLefty and that average is say 125.  Fredrighty carries a 215.  but in the intervening weeks, Fredlefty is practicing; and he already has a much greater sense of the mental side of the game than your average 125 bowler, and say he gets to a point of a solid 175+ as a lefty in his practice. 

in say the playoffs or a position round or against the toughest opponent Fredrighty sits out for Fredlefty.  Lefty has a 125 average on the books, but has improved to 175.  that's a free 50 pins.

I do believe a scenario like the above is why switching hands requires permissions.