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Author Topic: symetrical compared to Asymterical  (Read 2253 times)


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symetrical compared to Asymterical
« on: April 01, 2004, 04:48:24 AM »
I know this is old hat, but I'm having carry problems with asymmetrical bowling balls and I seem to carry a lot better with symmetrical bowling balls.  I know it has to do with the bowler, but you talk about spin rate etc, but I still have problems kicking out the 10 pin with asymmetrical bowling balls

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 08:48:12 PM »
Nic, your back!!!! Haven't heard from you in a long time. I too bowl better with symmetrical cores. i hate assymmetrical cores. Wish I could answer your question for both you and myself, but I'm of no help here. I just wanted to take a moment to say Hi.
Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2004, 09:55:25 PM »

Its been a tough year but now that I am retired I hope to make a comeback.  I had a horrible year.  Couldn't carry a 10 pin and couldn't convert it.  I changed from Lane 1 to Track for most of the season and I think Track is great equipment, I just didn't have the same succes as the bowlers that I bowl with had with Track.

Ever since my house (bowling lanes) closed, I lost the desire to bowl league and practice like I did.  The medical conditions haven't changed, but since they haven't got worse, I can try and live with the pain.

My opinion on asymmetrical bowling balls is thay you have to be more accurate with them rather then symmetrical.  I'm not saying this is a fact, but with the ball being asymmetrical, it seemes to me if you get on the side of it a little too fast, you lose too much potential of the ball.  Release seems to be much more critical then in a symmetrical bowling ball, though I know its still important.
Hope you all had a better year then I did.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2004, 10:33:27 PM »
Nic, I too am loking at the possibility of changing ball companies, but only a partial change for now. As for my Uranium, no one will ever be able to take that ball away from me. It is the best ball I have ever had, hands down. And the Golden Nugget is close behind. Since getting the Uranium, I no longer have a place for my Emerald as the Uranium will do everything it did only better plus it covers a wider range of conditions. My next purchase will either be in the V2 line of Ebonite or in the Hammer line. Two people I bowl with have Hammers and are having a terrific year with them. One is bowling 5 pins higher than last year and the other is averaging 17 pins higher than last year.....And me, I am 9 pins lower than last year.
Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2004, 07:06:53 AM »
Hi Nicanor,

The symmetrical blocks do tend to roll a little more even then asymmetrical blocks but asyms are much more versatile in drilling to control desired reaction points on the lane.  Symmetrical balls will hook where they want to hook but strong asymmetricals can allow a player to hook sooner or later depending upon ball and conditions.  If you have a good shop guy who can match up your game with a good asymmetrical ball by placing mass bias in it's proper position, you'll see the differences and the hitting power is just as strong if not stronger because it can be laid out to your game and you can control the break point of the ball.
Rick Leong
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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2004, 09:17:11 AM »
Tenpinspro, the type pro shop guys you are talking about and they type needed to drill the assymetrical cores are few and far between now days. Anyhow around where I live they are and I've heard others say the same thing. Unfortunately, I don't have that type of pro shop guy. I tried assymetrical cores that he drilled and they were a flop.

Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2004, 09:29:45 AM »
Thank you Tenpinspro.  I agree with the versatility of asymmetrical bowling balls.  I also agree an asymmetrical ball drilled correctly and in the right hands is an awesome combination if the bowler is consistent with release.  But me, I'm not as accurate as I use too and if I get on the side of an asymmetrical ball a little too much, it just kills the potential of the ball.  The way the weightblock is offset to make it an asymmetrical ball moves the will be a lot more effected by hand position and release then a symmetrical ball.  

I know this is an opinion and I might be out to lunch, but maybe I can get some other feedback.  Shoot, just look at the Violet 3D Offset, that ball alone almost proves my theory is wrong.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2004, 01:30:14 PM »
....."Couldn't Lane #1 think up their own slogan?"


It's no different than the Storm bowlers on this site stating:  
"Storm - The Bowlers Company"
I take it that you don't like Lane 1? Not that it makes any difference.
Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2004, 02:05:26 PM »
Hi Nicanor and BrickGuy,

Nic, there are certain layouts on asyms that can create a more even roll and not appear as sensitive to release if you're interested.  For what you described as "killing the potential" of the ball, that tells me it's not laid out correctly to suit your game, that's all.

BrickGuy, sorry to hear about the ball driller thing but for everybody to know, most companies are now more helpful in the technical sense then I think they've ever been.  If you don't want to ask here on BR, you can call the manufactures directly and they'll help you lay out a ball to your needs.  Never hurts to ask..hope this helps some.....

Rick Leong
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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2004, 02:21:20 PM »
I would be curious as the layout that you have on the ball. I have mentioned it to tenpinspro a few times......when I attended a clinic held by Mo Pinel and Del Warren each of them said you are not taking advantage of the ball's potential if you drill it with the pin above the finger line. I wonder if that is the situation in your case.
C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2004, 08:04:34 PM »

I miss the Navy and making the adjustment is difficult.  Almost as difficult as picking up the 10 pin

I went to a Track seminar with Mo Pinel and Del Warren and watched all the spin rate garbage.  It might be factual but I don't know how it really figures into carry.  I also went to several Ebonite Hammer seminars and it ws alo very informative.  To talk about pin placement, at the Ebonite seminars not one test ball had the pin besides or above the finger line.  Everything was below.

My favorite ball right now and has been for quite a while is the Super carbide drilled pin 3 3/8 and the cg kicked right a bit. I am also working with the Blueberry again dilled similar and a 3d Offset drilled stacked leverage.  I have a Smasr/R with a 130 drilling.  I was using a Track Unleashed stacked leverage and it is a great ball but I couldn't kick out the 10 pin.  I threw the Inferno for a while but seem to have much more luck with the Raging inferno drilled similar to the Super Carbide.

I'm going up to Nationals 9/10 May so if anyone has any ball recommendations or drilling recommendations for the shot up there I'd appreciate it tremendously.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2004, 08:44:04 PM »
Nic, the Pin below ring finger thing with CG kicked out 1 1/2" - 2" is how Ebonite drills all Ebonite and Hammer balls for "Demo Days." It must be a good "all purpose drilling" that will work to a certain extent for most everyone. No matter which ball you pick up at Demo Days, it will have Pin under Ring Finger and CG kicked out. I had a V2 Pearl drilled with Pin under ring finger and almost touching grip line with CG kicked out approx 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" and this ball was second to none from fairly dry lanes to medium light. Carried as good if not better than a Lane 1 ball. I replaced it, with an Emerald, but gained nothing by doing this. In fact I lost out of my pocket. I'm thinking about getting it out of closet and put back in my bag and sell the Emerald. The Emerald is a terrific ball, but I think the V2 Pearl carries a tad better.

Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2004, 02:28:13 PM »

I had no luck with carrying the corners with the Emerald either.  Thought about trying the Uranium but I don't know much about the ball.  I see you like your Uranium.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2004, 03:20:29 PM »
Hi Nicanor,

I noticed you said the Unleashed was drilled stack lev, which promotes a smoother gradual movement throughout the lane.  I have a suggestion, take a lite polish(Magic Shine or equivalent) to it, not high gloss but just a lite coat which should help you skid a little better thru the heads and have just a little more in the backend.  It should also force you right about 2-3 boards with the polish which should also help increase your angle entry.  Just a thought for you to maybe enhance your carry, hope this helps....
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: symetrical compared to Asymterical
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2004, 03:55:08 PM »
......."I had no luck with carrying the corners with the Emerald either. Thought about trying the Uranium but I don't know much about the ball. I see you like your Uranium."

Nick, if you have time, read all of the reviews on the Uranium. There is hardley if any, negative reviews about this ball. Most everyone have had nothing but praise for this ball. When it hits, "it hits."......And most people including myself, hardley ever leave a 10 Pin with it. If you drill it right to fit your style, I don't think you can go wrong.

Lane 1 - The Bowlers Company

Nothing hits as hard as an Uranium
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"