synthetics are CONSISTENT!!! thats the difference. wood lanes are different from lane to lane, not just pair to pair, which is even a stretch on synthetics. wood lanes chip, warp, spearate at the boards, dent, and wear out. if you put the exact oil pattern out on wood and synthetic, of course the synthetic is easier...but it has nothing to do with the pattern. if wood lanes all wore out EXACTLY the same according to the damages i just listed, and every lane was exact as far as the "terrain", then even a tougher pattern would be easier because they would all be the same. when you throw two exact shots, and one crosses whil the other pushes right, and then you find out that there is a dent 30 feet down the lane that angles the ball back, like there was in my old house, you will know what i mean. lane 1 had a warped board that made balls go airborne if it hit it...i dont think thats ever happened on synthetics.