If you can find one, I recommend the Clear Wolf from Ebonite. The Wolf core in a clear plastic shell.
As far as cracking, I am not sure what you guys are doing. I have had the same Plastic Wolf since 1996. Yes the thumbhole has cracked a little on occassion, so I had it plugged and redrilled at the spot again....it's plastic, doesn't make difference. If you have to pay 10-20 every 4-5 years, it will be 10-15+ until you spend more then it would have cost to replace it. But I have to say, since I went to Switch Grips I haven't had an issue with the thumbhole cracking. One of my bowling bucket list items is to throw a 300 with that Wolf. I have had about 7-8 279 games with it. Just can't get away from throwing one shot a little too hard/fast and leaving a stone 10.