I've got an issue. I have a customer who is 56, very old school bowler, loves buying new stuff, but still brings his old reliables from the late 90s and early 2000s. Over the last several years he's had a really tough time holding on to stuff. Here's the real issue, he has 1/2 reverse in his thumb on a span of 4 1/2. Here's the aggravating issue, all his old stuff he can hang onto, the new stuff he can't. He won't let me change his fit at all, because, "well if I can hang onto my old stuff, you should be able to copy that." He's a self admitted gripper, says he'll never change, and is just beside himself with irritation that he can't hang onto anything, and we all know who is to blame here . . However, he's had numerous people drill for him, including some really big names in the industry, and nothing works.
The most critical issue to me is that I can feel what he's feeling, and somehow his old balls he can hang onto have super tacky surfaces. He uses slugs, but his old ones are polished, they're really shiny and really tacky, but they're also 15 year old slugs too. I've tried all kinds of things to make the newer slugs tacky, I've tried wet sanding, polishing, etc., but nothing seems to work, just makes the slug slippery. I know what the real problem and solution is here, but he wants nothing to do with it. If he was having issues hanging onto his old stuff I could work with that, but he goes right back to them and has no problems, so in his mind it's a driller competence issue . . I just have no clue what I can do to tack up a thumbhole, because usually that's the opposite direction that you want to go.
Maybe massage some non-slip cream in there? High gloss it and then do that? Freakin pine tar? Fishing here . .