Went back to no grips several years ago. I hang in grips; much cleaner off the hand without. As to pitch, try this: press your bowling fingers against the palm of your other hand, fingertips first. Then, while maintaining pressure, bend the first knuckle of the fingers. How easy does it bend? Do you have to bend the second knuckle? If the answer is not easily, and/or yes, then you need reverse (just to make sure of terms, reverse = away from the palm) in the fingers. I'm terrible on this test and have 3/8 in both fingers - I've heard of up to 1/2 away.
If it's "hit" you're looking for, I'm firmly of the opinion that you can hit the ball harder without grips.
Here's a tip; if you want a bit of extra grip in the fingers take just a tad of plastic wood on the end of a popsicle stick and apply it in the finger hole, under the pad of your finger. Not much; it will sand away at the finger pad, but it does work.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.