I can probably help the team more by staying in my game and on my line - and maybe helping them understand what's happening with the lanes.
If I can open up a shot for them, so much the better.
When I bowled ABC this last year, I subbed on a team - I knew no one when we started. Both teams on the pair were with the same group. Before we started bowling, the team captains got together, and told us all to get out our most aggressive stuff, and throw 10 board in practice and for the first game, so we could open the shot for everyone.
Well, I did. I pulled out the super carbide bomb, and nailed 10 board shot after shot. Some of the other guys were at 15, 8, 6, etc, When I asked them what they were doing, they looked at me with question marks over their head, and told me they were playing the 10 board - what was wrong with me - couldn't I see??? I couldn't believe what I was hearing/seeing!!!
Needless to say, the shot didn't open up, and we all bowled really bad. Except one of the two lefties.
Bowlers are like puppies. The only difference is that someday the puppy will quit whining.
-- Found at Sam's Town Pro Shop