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Author Topic: Taking a hit for the good of the game  (Read 1228 times)


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Taking a hit for the good of the game
« on: February 19, 2004, 06:28:51 PM »
I was bowling in league last night, and the team we were bowling against had a female bowler who was struggling mightily.  She was throwing a consistent ball but kept swinging out too far, due to her footwork bieng way to quick.  After we whipped them the first game, I decided to help her with her timing.  Sure enough, she blows up in the second and third game, bowling about 30 pins over average.  Of course, we lost both games afterwards, but seeing the smile on her face as she got her game going was worth it.

If only my teammates would talk to me again....
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:  
Thursday League: 667 (225, 185, 257)
Sunday League:   600 (164, 203, 233)



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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2004, 09:31:00 AM »
you did the right thing, guzmand!!  i'm sure that she adequately compensated you for your insightful information . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .

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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2004, 09:51:09 AM »
I got a question:
Would you have done it if she were a he ?

I believe you did the right thing.
30 pins over ave. is nice, but shouldn't be out of reach for any one of your teammates either.

Insanity runs in my family....
It practically gallops. ~~~ Mortimer Brewster
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming --WOW--What a Ride!"
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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2004, 09:52:43 AM »
LOL actually I got some of her birthday cake out of the deal.  It was her birthday and they brought a nice double chocolate cake to eat during the game.  

2 of my teammates didn't care that I gave the advice, only ribbed me afterwards.  One teammate was legitamitely upset, mainly because the person he was bowling against was the woman!  He asked why I gave her advice and never give him any advice.  I told him the difference between her and him was that she listened.  He didn't say too much else after that    Probably didn't hear me come to think of it....

"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:  
Thursday League: 667 (225, 185, 257)
Sunday League:   600 (164, 203, 233)


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2004, 09:55:44 AM »
Honestly I would have.  I have no problems offering tips and pointers to anyone who needs it as long as the person is receptive to the advice.  I usually end up helping out the guys more often since I bowl with them more.

Couldn't offer up too much advice though, her husband was paying close attention!    

"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:  
Thursday League: 667 (225, 185, 257)
Sunday League:   600 (164, 203, 233)


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2004, 12:37:12 PM »
guzmand19 -- Well, I take a different approach.  I make it a point to never offer advice to anyone except my teammates during competition.  This includes bowlers on teams we are not competing against, even if I don't bowl in the league.  It's a lose - lose situation.  If the advice works, I'm helping one bowler at the expense of the other team, whether or not it's my team.  If it doesn't work, then I've possibly hurt the score of the bowler I was trying to help (not always easy to make changes during competition).  What I do is wait till the competition is over, then offer my suggestions and offer to work with the individual to try to help their game.  That way, everyone is happy, even if the suggestions don't help.  --  JohnP


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2004, 12:46:53 PM »
there is a time for lessons and a time for competition.

if you want to be a coach then schedule some private lessons with her

otherwise Why screw over your team?

I'm sure every team you bowl has someone who needs help. do you?
or only the one's with nice ASSets?

don't even use the "GAME" as an excuse for thinking with the wrong appendage!

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2004, 03:22:01 PM »
I thought about that road, but in my opinion I believe my team is better than hers.  If my team loses to her because she is bowling good, than it is my team's fault for not bowling up to expectation.  My own included.

This is a mixed sanctioned fun league, so competition isn't fierce.  The reason we lost to them isn't because she bowled over average, because my guys are capeable of doing the same.  We lost because we didn't bowl as good as we could have.  I take much more satisfaction beating someone at the best of their game rather than when they are struggling.

"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:  
Thursday League: 667 (225, 185, 257)
Sunday League:   600 (164, 203, 233)


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2004, 08:44:10 PM »
Good for you Darrell!!!  I too would rather bowl somebody at the top of their game.  Isn't that what competition is all about?  

If more people did what you did Darrell, there would be more bowlers today.  A bowling league should be a group of people who enjoy competing against each other on a weekly basis, but also a group of people who have fun with each other too.  In my experience, it is the cut-throat leagues that fail most often due to arguments over money or something of that sort.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Taking a hit for the good of the game
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2004, 09:34:17 PM »
Isn't that what competition is all about?

No, competition is about winning.

Ah, just pretend she don't have a husband.