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Author Topic: TEAM USA SYDNEY  (Read 4076 times)


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« on: May 12, 2011, 06:07:54 AM »
Ok we had Team USA Sydney oil pattern on Tuesday night.


Wood lanes only a 33 foot oil pattern so as you can imagine weak stuff is a must.


Tried my BlackOut to start (35x6x35) and it was way to much ball, Euporia (70x4x30) was also the same NO hold at all in the center of the lane past about 35-40 feet everything went wild to the left. Grabbed my Desperado (pin over ring) and played some different lines to start the first game. First I tried to swing it and had slight sucess going about 15 out 11 issue was I had NO miss room right or left of targets. Ground it out for a decent game. Second game I moved way to the right and went 10 at the arrows out 8 looking for the Break point to be right at the end of the oil pattern that worked pretty well and I probably should have started with that line in the first place. Third game still with Desperado we started to see carry down. I put up a poor game being to stubborn to ball up and move in. So for the last game I bumped way in, started with Euporia going 27 out to around 10 But Euporia was a little weak for the line, I attempted moving right and that was not the answer as the Euporia slid in the carry down. Went up to the BlackOut and that was to strong I was right in between both.


Finished in the top 6 or 7 bowlers in the league with only 681 after four games, Scores were horrendous all the way around. Strikes were hard to come by and spare shooting was the only thing that you could depend on to get your scores up.


If you are going to see this pattern be ready to break your wrist and bring weak gear, let the lane carry down then attempt to move in but don't force the issue. Above all MAKE YOUR SPARES!!

"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

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« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 03:06:38 PM »
wow deep play for such a short pattern. i would proberly never have my feet left of 10-12 and just bank it of the gutter.


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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 03:16:01 PM »
 I was right with Urethane and another guy was right with a plastic ball they actually carried down more than I imagined they would. I never found a true good look inside. My doubles Partner on the other hand, ran the first 7 deep inside like that the last game.  At the end of the third game one the guys crossing with us just tried it that deep a couple of times and found their to be hold, we moved in and messed around with it.


In a Tourney I probably would have stayed right farther but I am bowling this to learn and try new stuff not keep repeating stuff I know I can do.

"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

Founding FatherBR Inquisition
Edited by mainzer on 5/12/2011 at 7:52 PM
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 03:34:37 PM »
I haven't hit that one yet, but short patterns don't always play out; depends on how flat they are, and from what I've seen so far, the Team USA patterns are flatter than the PBA ones.  Beijing is pretty close to Cheetah at the gutter, but there is FAR less hold left on Beijing.  Also, we had a 12 game tournament a while back, 6 on a 34' flat pattern, and 6 on a 2:1 45'.  I ended up playing almost the same line for both patterns (stronger ball on the long pattern).  The gutter was basically out of play on the short because it was so flat.  Way too much oil out there for it to come back unless you pointed it uphill.

Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 07:54:34 PM »
We start this pattern next week.  We just finished Beijing, and the first week on it I had a decent shot with some hold area, shooting 740 for 4.  The second week was totally different.  No hold area and they were flying on the backend.  Played the ditch with a urethane Roto Grip Outlaw.  Couldn't carry though and toughed it out for a slick 690 for 4.  I covered my spares when I had them, but also had a huge amount of splits.  I have a feeling Sydney is going to be equally brutal.  Can't wait for the medium and long patterns though.
on edit:
 Brad Angelo did come down and bowl, and he tore it up 220, 240, 250, I believe, and can't remember last game.  Cool guy to talk to, and he stuck around for an hour afterwards and gave a bunch of us some pointers.   Just a swell guy all around.  And we did poke fun at him about the plastic bottle incident.
A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb.....It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus.....a mutagentic toxin created by international enterprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bio-weapon experiments.
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Edited by Gunny on 5/12/2011 at 7:58 PM
Edited by Gunny on 5/12/2011 at 7:59 PM


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« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2011, 10:46:46 AM »
This is definitly the hardest of the WTBA patterns I believe.. I played it 2 weeks ago in a 5 game shootout.
It is really difficult to strike without throwing a GREAT shot or getting lucky...
As I expected, th eonly shot I could score with was right up the ditch, 1" pin urethane, with little hand and decent speed.  Laying down on 5, breakpoint of 2 board.  For the 5 games I think i shot 950, and I think I was second scratch. 
Definitly not a condition for reactive IMHO!

Ryan Press - Seismic Staff Member
Edited by RyanRPS on 13/05/2011 at 10:48 AM