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Author Topic: Talk about changes in my game  (Read 1265 times)


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Talk about changes in my game
« on: October 31, 2003, 05:25:54 AM »
Well, in the last 2 weeks I have made about as many changes to my game as I possibly could as I had developed a number of bad habits in the last 8 years or so, I decided to finally fix them!

I switched to a 4 step approach, which in turn lowered my vertical backswing slightly.  

I closed my hand in my backswing since it was super open before which raised my track about an inch or more

I moved my trailing arm out to the side, because for some reason it wasn't going out there until my slide which in turn raised my track a bit more

I stopped kicking my leg at the line and started sliding it behind me, which has made me a bit more steady

I stopped trying to force the ball through the release which in turn stopped my crazy head jerk.

Talk about a crazy 2 weeks and in that time I have shot between 480 and 650 in  All the while, none of it seemed to take any speed off or any revs, or my ability to play inside.

It has helped my ability to play straighter, and increased my accuracy.  It has decreased my carry as well as my area and it has also temporarily decreased my spare percentage.  Cant quite figure out the 4 step release with the spare ball, but I am getting closer.

Did I try to take on too many things at once?  
Anyone else have interesting stories of rebuilding their game all together in a short period of time in the middle of the season?



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Re: Talk about changes in my game
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2003, 08:36:21 PM »
I went from a six step approach with medium revs to a 4 step approach with no thumb and monster revs. I also dropped ball weight from 16 to 14 lbs. My scores were dramatically down at first but are now returning to their previous level.
I'm having a lot more fun now and I enjoy the remarks from those watching me bowl. When I get on a streak it really demoralizes my opponents because it looks like I'll strike all day. My biggest problem is finding area on the lane. I need to find a line that will maximize my area. That is still a work in progress.

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Re: Talk about changes in my game
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2003, 08:54:19 PM »
I went to the Ritger clinic in February or march, I think.
Made a lot of "minor" changes - and raised my average several pins at the end of the season. Oh, yeah. I also won our local "mens" association singles that year.
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Re: Talk about changes in my game
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2003, 04:58:49 AM »
Answer to your question, NO!

Sounds great about the still head though!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Talk about changes in my game
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2003, 05:20:02 AM »
Well i think sometimes making too many changes at once can really hamper your game unless your practicing day in and day out.

Last yr, i made some changes in my game.  And most of it happend because i pulled my bicep muscle during a league nite.  And couldnt bowl untill a the next week.  

When i did get back to bowling i couldnt get my arm over my shoulder in my backswing, and well i more consistent during that week, then any other time during the season lol.  

But after that i went blaaa,, My arm felt good so i thought that by doing more i would be better, nope total opposite i couldnt hardly break 500 for a month.

And then one nite after bowling i tried moving up on the approach to slow myself down, and it worked.  

I went from standing on the end of the approach, Feet behind the dots, to Standing with my toes right on the front dots, and it worked! the last 6months of the yr, i didnt have a score under 630.  

Well this season i was doing the same, but not having the same results, so i tried moving up even more, having my heels in right in front of the first dots, and this has worked too, its got me more in sync too, and i dont have such a high backswing either, with my old old backswing, i was like Jason Couch, except right handed, and looked alot like Rudy Revs or Steve Hoskins throwing the ball.  

Also this yr, i have gone with a straight arm instead of a bent elbow too.  And it has helped me be more consistent with my swing and release too.  I also have two 700's this yr, in which i didnt have one all last yr.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "