If you buy him beer and beg him to stop, you will appear weak and will likely be taunted more severely. You will have conditioned him that heckling you gets him beer (see Pavlov's research). When he doesn't get beer from light heckling, he will up the jeers until you finally give in and buy him more beer. Not a situation you want to get into, because others will see this and heckle you as well, in hopes that you will reward them with beer too.
The best way to deal with this situation is to prove you are the Alpha-Male and quickly shut him down. With humans, a fist-fight works well for proving who is the Alpha-Male. If you dethrone the king, he will keep quiet. If he defeats you and keeps the crown, you must buy him beers every time he taunts you and many vicious fights among the other non-alpha males will likely ensue until the pecking order is established.
I think I saw a show about this on PBS back in the 70's...
9~Ain't Skeered!Edited on 11/29/2007 3:04 PM