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Author Topic: tamer bowling  (Read 13038 times)


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tamer bowling
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:47:44 AM »
I used to frequent, a lot really. They had great articles on every thing bowling and great advice. I find my self rather quickly stepping away though due to there reviews. I am a bowler that likes to use which ever brand I feel will better my game. And although storm and roto are great they look like they sponser and run the site now. It's all storm/roto, every thing. Even the interviews are storm/roto staffers. It doesn't feel subjective any more, only single sided. I see they post reviews here also. And I know they have done others in the past. Just would be nice and more believable if they hit a few other companies every now and then.  If not you know were you can read sparkling reviews on storm and roto grip gear!


Big Jake

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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 05:25:57 PM »
....RANT ON....

Personally, I think your an idiot and I dont say that here to often. Your a new kid here and you come in here slinging mud at some really good guys who go out of their way to take

the trouble to make a (bowling) website and use their own time to make videos and then give their input on them. If you dont like what they are doing then dont go there

 anymore, also I really enjoy them as I find them completely honest at what they do and they seem to love what they do.

.....RANT OFF....
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 06:04:05 PM »
Big Jake,

Who made the the judge, jury and executioner?

Everyone has a right to an opinion. If you saw a problem with what he posted, why not address the post, instead of attacking the person. Tell me, how does the fact that he is a newbie make his point any more or less valid?

Can you give an intelligent response to the point he makes? Frankly, I noticed the same thing, but just was not quite as fast to pull the trigger.

Now, since I agree to some extent with the original poster, does that make me an idiot too?

Go ahead Big Jake. Please tell me whether I am an idiot too. It really matters.

And we wonder why so many have left this site. I bet Big Jake has the answer.

Thanks Big Jake. I will give you full credit for my saying for the day:

It is hard to communicate with one who hears, but will not listen.  It is impossible to reason with one with knowledge, who has no wisdom.


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2012, 06:33:21 PM »
Rats., I gues I'm an idiot too, doggone it. Now my self-confidence is shot...  :(
Just like the original poster and CC, I saw the same thing, thought the same thing, and just hadn't had time to write yet. Man, if I could only be as smooth as Big Jake, wouldn't that be great?
Funny thing, just Sunday morning I went to Tamer after not having been there in a while and I was thinking "Dang this looks and feels like a Storm site, what's going on?"... I was bummed out, but I'm only an idiot, so it doesn't matter...

Big Jake

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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2012, 06:43:14 PM »
Go ahead Big Jake. Please tell me whether I am an idiot too.

 @ccrider, Yup, your an IDIOT!!
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2012, 07:07:55 PM »
Well maybe the original posters point will be read by someone at tammerbowling who can contact him one way or another in reference to why their site is the way it is.

If Storm/RG is who now helps most with their site and gives the time to have staff and other members come on and talk about product, or maybe give other advice so be it. Since I don't throw either brand I'd just look passed the advertising part of the site and try and find more insightful info that is available or like with TV go to another site. There are plenty of great sites out there with plenty of info, unbiased ball reviews are a little harder to come by.

This site has some good info, and plenty of idiots. You can filter through it on here just like anywhere else and still come out ahead.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2012, 09:06:13 PM »
Go ahead Big Jake. Please tell me whether I am an idiot too.

 @ccrider, Yup, your an IDIOT!!

At least I got out of the first grade.


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 03:00:48 AM »
Thanks Big Jake for your idiotic and pointless reply to the post, that added absolutely nothing to the fact. You added nothing intelligent to the conversation.  You can now change your name to Big Joke. May be a "newbie" poster but at least I'm not some online tough guy who's opinion holds no validity.

Big Jake

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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 01:52:34 AM »
. They had great articles on every thing bowling and great advice. I find my self rather quickly stepping away though due to there reviews.

You said that they had "Great Articles" on every thing bowling...Ok, and now they are all of a sudden, BAD...Hmmm, perhaps some Bowling manufactures are giving them certain (new) balls to evaluate

and also perhaps other manufactures are not...
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 02:10:32 AM »
Not here to argue with you.  Your opinions are all ready filed, and swirling down the bowl.

No problems with, enjoy the site! It's great info! All I was stating was that its very storm and roto oriented.  Would love to see there skills put in to some other manufacturers! And would love to send Big Jake to a reading for comprehension class.


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2012, 07:48:15 AM »
Hi All,
Let me take a moment to respond. has no sponsors currently.  We are independent and all opinions are ours.  We do everything at our own expense.  We have reviewed many manufacturers in the past and would like to continue doing so.  You will find our opinions are not biased towards any manufacturer. 

What you are seeing is very simple really, the difference between Storm and other manufacturers in terms of marketing approach.  Since good folks like yourselves frequent our site to read the independent reviews, it made sense for Storm to provide us early access (not necessarily at no expense) to their equipment.  Marketing 101 really.  I've tried to set up such access with other manufacturers and no response. 
The presence of equipment reviews on my site basically reflects the market, more or less.  Storm and Roto Grip top the list, followed by Brunswick and others.  We've reviewed all the latest from Brunswick (except for the summer equipment which we don't have access to yet). 

I appreciate you all visiting the site and I welcome all feedback, good and constructive.  After all, the site was intended to share information.  This is not a cash cow  :)  We do what we can afford.  I don't want to sound all philanthropic, but in life we get in some places and give in others.

Best regards,

Everything Bowling, coaching tips, ball reviews, USBC Certified Level I
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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2012, 01:53:09 PM »
Hi All,
Let me take a moment to respond. has no sponsors currently.  We are independent and all opinions are ours.  We do everything at our own expense.  We have reviewed many manufacturers in the past and would like to continue doing so.  You will find our opinions are not biased towards any manufacturer. 

What you are seeing is very simple really, the difference between Storm and other manufacturers in terms of marketing approach.  Since good folks like yourselves frequent our site to read the independent reviews, it made sense for Storm to provide us early access (not necessarily at no expense) to their equipment.  Marketing 101 really.  I've tried to set up such access with other manufacturers and no response. 
The presence of equipment reviews on my site basically reflects the market, more or less.  Storm and Roto Grip top the list, followed by Brunswick and others.  We've reviewed all the latest from Brunswick (except for the summer equipment which we don't have access to yet). 

I appreciate you all visiting the site and I welcome all feedback, good and constructive.  After all, the site was intended to share information.  This is not a cash cow  :)  We do what we can afford.  I don't want to sound all philanthropic, but in life we get in some places and give in others.

Best regards,

Loved that analysis by Ron Hoppe. I have the same issue with those two steps. That was a lot of help, thanks for sharing!


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2012, 11:46:50 PM »
Many thanks to Tamer Bowling for the reply. I greatly appreciate your site and what you guys do. Also very cool that you guys stepped up with and explained why things are they way they are on your site.


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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2012, 11:17:42 PM »
No worries.
Stay tuned, we might be getting a lot of new equipment very soon (aside from Storm and Roto Grip  ;) )
Everything Bowling, coaching tips, ball reviews, USBC Certified Level I
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Monster Pike

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Re: tamer bowling
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2012, 08:27:59 PM »
You mean there's other "equipment" besides Roto/Storm?  Don't let the few idiots change your perspective...  There won't be no changin' them...

No worries.
Stay tuned, we might be getting a lot of new equipment very soon (aside from Storm and Roto Grip  ;) )