Big Jake,
Who made the the judge, jury and executioner?
Everyone has a right to an opinion. If you saw a problem with what he posted, why not address the post, instead of attacking the person. Tell me, how does the fact that he is a newbie make his point any more or less valid?
Can you give an intelligent response to the point he makes? Frankly, I noticed the same thing, but just was not quite as fast to pull the trigger.
Now, since I agree to some extent with the original poster, does that make me an idiot too?
Go ahead Big Jake. Please tell me whether I am an idiot too. It really matters.
And we wonder why so many have left this site. I bet Big Jake has the answer.
Thanks Big Jake. I will give you full credit for my saying for the day:
It is hard to communicate with one who hears, but will not listen. It is impossible to reason with one with knowledge, who has no wisdom.